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Family commemorates Mitch Henriquez five years later: ‘I lost my way, couldn’t fight anymore’

“We commemorate Mitch today by the sea,” says sister Lila who lives in Aruba. “We meet there with family and friends. It is a place where Michel liked to visit Aruba. We also take a group photo there. Then we want to commemorate on Facebook for five days. We’ll do that for five days, because it’s been five years. People can share photos or tickets with us there. In the afternoon there is a mass in Aruba. Then we’ll meet at the church, then we’ll go to the cemetery. “

“In the Netherlands, Mitch is commemorated in private by the family,” Lila continues. “Alex (cousin ed.) Had planned to do something in the Netherlands, but has personal reasons for not doing that anymore.”

Five officers were involved in the arrest of Mitch Henriquez. Three of these were acquitted. One agent, named DH02 during the trial, is still acquitted on appeal. His actions on boarding are not found to be punishable. The other agent, nicknamed DH01, was the one who applied a neck clamp and that act most likely led to the death of Henriquez, the Hague court said. He will receive a half-year suspended sentence, but he has appealed against his conviction.

It is this weekend five years since Mitch died. The case is still under trial. “I’m doing well at the moment. I have good weeks, but also bad, like a week and a half ago. Then came the realization that this day was imminent. I then become physically ill. Dizzy, nauseous, “says Lila. “We have chosen to take long-term help. I go to a psychologist twice a month and also use many other therapies. It is a process. “

“I lost my way for a while. I couldn’t fight anymore. So much has been perverted in this lawsuit. Almost all officers have been acquitted. Where do I get the strength? My family and children keep me going. Also the support we get from other people justice want for Mitch. That support gives me strength and keeps me going. “


Mitch’s family has lived from lawsuit to lawsuit in recent years and it still isn’t ready. The family is financially ‘exhausted’ and is one Go Fund Me-pagina started. ‘You first look at your own situation to see what you can contribute yourself. For example, I went to live with my mother and I rent out my house to generate extra income, but that is not enough, ‘says Lila.

“That’s why we started that page. We ask the people for help so that we can pay the outstanding bills and fight for justice for Mitch. But also to be able to pay for further investigations. It is no longer possible for us, it just costs a lot of money. We also hope to be able to do more for unjust matters in the future. ”

Mitch Henriquez’s name has been regularly spotted at Black Lives Matter demonstrations in recent weeks. “I love that. This shows that other people also consider it unjust. Sometimes we also send a thank you. George Floyd plays in America, that happens more often. I think it was also about racism with Mitch. We sometimes discuss this with friends who were there that day. Then we ask ourselves: Why has it come so far? The police lied from the start. At some point you start to think there is “something” or they won’t tell lies. Then “something” must have happened, probably the police do not want to name it. That’s why the family thinks that way. ”

Agent DH01 has appealed against his conviction. The family is still waiting for that statement. In addition, the family hopes that the Public Prosecution Service starts a case because of the negligence of the agents. “If that becomes a matter, it will cost a lot of money again.”

After Henriquez’s death, a demonstration against police brutality also took place in the Schilderswijk. Then it was a few days restless in the neighborhood due to riots.

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