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FAMILY CIRCLE N ° 18 – education & parenting

Every human being who comes into the world has the right to an education which will make him an adult. But what is education?
Support for the development of intellectual faculties, learning, the means and what entail the results on this development with skills according to the choice, according to the parental role and the issues that we want as actors in society .
Is it at school that everything is played out, is it within the family circle? or with each other?

Yes of course and you have understood that education and parenthood are complementary.

You will draw from this magazine this experience which emerged during our health crisis and which was not highlighted until now. Parents have better understood the role of the teacher, for whom the task is not so easy: having a complete class is certainly not insurmountable but requires an essential philosophy and pedagogy. Let us be proud of this awareness which should allow us to better concern ourselves with reforms, to think about equal opportunities, to integrate new teaching methods, of the role of the republican school which had to be free but which today has a cost: Familles de France supports the back-to-school allowance with our successive governments.

The multiplicity of these debates shows the importance of the stakes and the difficulty in defining choices. This puts us in touch with the realities of the working world: school but
also families have the duty from generation to generation to transmit knowledge and a
cultural heritage, to train the next generation in trades and activities and to help promote
social promotion through distance education training, approaching the economic world with a higher technician’s certificate in hand, for example, or the world of research.

No one should be excluded or marginalized from our society. It’s the duality between empathy and frustration.

Education and Parenthood is wealth for everyone and a duty for everyone.

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