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Family celebrates George Floyd’s funeral, asks for justice | NOW

At the emotional funeral of George Floyd in Houston, his family called for justice on Tuesday. Protests against racial inequality and police brutality broke out around the world after Floyd was killed in his arrest.

Brooke Williams, Floyd’s niece, said during the service in Houston, where Floyd grew up, “I can’t breathe. And as long as I breathe, justice will come.”

“Why does the system have to be corrupt and broken?” She continued. “Someone said ‘Make America great again, “but when was America ever great?”

Many of the approximately 500 attendants in the Church wore white clothing and masks. Some masks said “I can’t breathe “: eand reference to the cry Floyd uttered in his last minutes.

Brother: ‘Floyd was my superman’

Floyd died on May 25 after a white police officer in Minneapolis pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Four officers have been charged with his death.

During the service, gospel songs were sung, and artists drew images of Floyd in the background, to which relatives referred to as their “gentle giant.”

His brother Philonese described him in tears as Big Floyd, “my own personal superman”.

“I want to thank the world for what they have done for my family today, especially for George,” said his aunt Kathleen McGee. “I have added a large family worldwide”.

Relatives of other victims also attend the service

Al Sharpton, a prominent leader of the civil rights movement, said of Floyd that “God took the rejected stone and uses it as the cornerstone of a movement that is going to change the world.”

“Your family is going to miss you George, but your country will always remember your name. Because your neck was for all of us. And how you suffered, we all suffer.” Sharpton praised protesters who took to the streets peacefully around the world to show their support.

The service included family members of other black people who were killed by police in the US, including Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner. Ahmaud Arbery’s family also attended the service, which became in February shot while jogging.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden addressed those present through a video message. “We cannot turn away from this. We cannot think that after this moment we can just ignore racism again.”

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