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Family and community medicine residents finish their specialty in the Córdoba Guadalquivir District

The 2016-2020 promotion of residents of family and community medicine ends its formative stage in the health centers of the Córdoba and Guadalquivir Sanitary District. The Multiprofessional Family and Community Care Teaching Unit of this district has organized a small farewell event in recognition of these 23 professionals accompanied by their respective tutors and the Head of Studies of this Unit, and where the work carried out by two tutors has been highlighted. recently retired, Leonor García De Vinuesa and Juana González.

Over four years, these specialists have combined their healthcare work with the participation in the teaching program of the public health centers of the Area (hospital, health centers and other teaching devices). The training period has been developed under the supervision and support of a main tutor, who accompanies each resident throughout their training and specialization process, as well as with the active and constant participation of the rest of the professionals who collaborate in the services. of accredited teaching centers.

Jose Manuel Rumbao, managing director of this Sanitary District, has pointed out the importance of the work of this Unit both in training and in research in a specialty that is the benchmark of citizenship within the Andalusian Public Health System. Rumbao has also wanted to highlight the dedication and drive of Ana María Roldán at the head of it since 2007 as head of studies.

The Multiprofessional Teaching Unit for Family and Community Care of Córdoba (UDMAFyC de Córdoba) is a group of professionals in charge of the management, coordination and Health training of the EIR (Internal Resident Specialist of Family and Community Care of Córdoba) of the Córdoba Health District and Guadalquivir. It currently has a Head of Studies, a Chairman of the Nursing Subcommittee, a Health Technician, a secretary and about 60 personal tutors, in addition to various collaborating tutors of the Andalusian Public Health System in charge of training 96 residents. of Family Medicine in the Córdoba and Guadalquivir Health District.

The Córdoba Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit began its journey in 1979 with the first pilot family doctor units. Since then, more than 34 promotions of family doctors have been trained in it in the more than 20 accredited health centers located throughout the province of Córdoba. The functions it performs are marked by the guidelines established in the Official Specialty Program and the guidelines of the National Specialty Commission, under the Ministry of Health.

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