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families demand accountability


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

C.Guyon, L.Krikorian, N.Murviedro

France 2

France Televisions

Monday July 12, Emmanuel Macron could announce compulsory vaccination for caregivers. An obligation too late, for some families of victims whose relatives have lost their lives after contracting the virus in the hospital.

It is the memory of a smile, frozen forever. “We were very close, and the fact of having lost him, for me, it is torture”, explains Johanna Cohen, who lost her father, Fabien. Hospitalized in March for a hip fracture, at 76, he has no immune defenses since a kidney transplant. So, even vaccinated, he is placed alone in a room. Despite his isolation, he tested positive a month later. According to his daughter, only hospital staff were able to infect him.

When she finally gets the right to see him, it’s misunderstanding. “We had charlottes, masks, visors and gowns, which the staff did not have”, deplores Johanna. The family has filed an administrative appeal to recognize state responsibility. For his lawyer, who represents nearly 300 cases related to the pandemic, administrative remedies are the most appropriate. But for more than a year in France, these are many complaints that target ministers, nursing homes and hospitals.

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