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Families collect rubbish from the trenches on the Möhnesee

The full garbage bags are piled up in the parking lot at Stockumer Damm. “Well, I can’t believe it”, Melanie Mummenbrauer shakes her head on Saturday: “People put the dog poop in the bag – that’s still correct so far. The fact that they pepper the bag back into the botany and others have to fish it out of the trenches, so that’s a little disgusting. It’s a mess! “

Stockum – But it’s not just these “disgusting packages” that the mother from Stockum has noticed for a long time: “The rubbish collects again in the trenches along many paths. You can really see where some people have their regular route to dispose of the hip flasks and butts.

Families collect rubbish: Association via Whatsapp

Others throw in more rubbish, the rubbish from going for a walk on top of that – and then everything stays where it is. ”This is really not a calling card for a community. And because the annual collection campaign “Möhnesee clean!” Could not take place due to Corona, she and her neighbor Inga James agreed to initiate a collection campaign herself via Whatsapp: “We had the feeling: That’s enough! We were in no time to see several families who saw it the same way and didn’t just complain, but wanted to be active ourselves, “says Mummenbrauer happily and points out:” Today we were out and about with almost 20 people for two or three hours, adults, Young children, as currently permitted in small groups or only with the family, so completely Corona-compliant – and this is our result. “

Families collect rubbish: good agreement

Everything was rubbish: bottles – whole and broken – crumpled cardboard boxes and bags, lots of plastic packaging, a whole grill that holidaymakers have probably “forgotten”, a hat rack from a car, plastic chairs, individual stockings, underpants. “Well, what can you say?” Smile the cleaners.

Melanie Mummenbrauer and Inga James describe the meticulous preparation: “We kept an eye on all of Stockum. That was a nice route that we all ran together. Nobody had to search too hard: no matter where you went, there was some kind of rubbish everywhere in the landscape. Some people just don’t get sensible. “

Everyone started on Saturday whenever they wanted so that the groups didn’t get too big. Mummenbrauer: “We were on the road here from 11 o’clock, that’s now two and a half hours. Even on Sunday, a few still set out. Everything is picked up from the building yard – they were happy that we called to announce our campaign. “

“That’s exactly right,” say Herbert Villbusch and Sven Wienke on behalf of all employees at the building yard: “We think this private campaign is really great, and we would like to encourage everyone in Möhnesee to follow this example. Because because of Corona, because of the distance rules and the ban on being allowed to come together in large groups, we cannot carry out the community campaign this year, nor the final pea soup campaign. The garbage is still in the trenches and on the lake shore. And it is like in the other years: The building yard cannot do it alone. The teams are equipped and can ‘just stop’ between normal assignments – but we can’t always be everywhere. “

Families collect rubbish: the community helps

Anyone who, like Inga James, Melanie Mummenbrauer, would like to go out with neighbors and friends – or alone, as a couple, as a family, receives completely unbureaucratic support from the building yard. Herbert Villbusch: “We can be reached on the company mobile number 0172/941 2215. We would be happy to arrange when and where to pick up the garbage bags. We also hand out solid garbage bags and all the necessary safety tips. It is important: Anyone who goes to collect rubbish privately should make sure they are safe. And it’s not the major main roads, but the local roads that matter – and the lakefront area. The building yard is responsible for this

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