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Familiar faces join the campaign against frontier …

Louise Carton, Aagje Vanwalleghem and Marijke Pinoy

Helpline 1712 is launching a campaign on unacceptable behavior in the sports and culture sector with the central message: “Don’t look away and contact helpline 1712 if you have any questions about unacceptable behavior”. Many famous faces, including actress Marijke Pinoy, gymnast Aagje Vanwalleghem and athlete Louise Carton, support the campaign.

Research shows that 17 percent of Flemish athletes come into contact with sexually transgressive behavior as a minor. And no less than 82 percent of the Flemish young people were the victim of psychological transgressive behavior during sports. One in four women working in the cultural sector has experienced unwanted physical or sexual contact in the past year, while one in five men has experienced some form of unacceptable behavior. In recent months, many cases of unacceptable behavior in the sports and culture sector have also come to light. But taboos, shame and fear make it difficult for many victims to take the step to help. Helpline 1712 wants to change that by launching the #kijknietweg campaign.

Familiar faces join the campaign against transgressive behavior in culture and sports
One of the posters that will be distributed

Photo: helpline 1712

Bystanders play an important role

In collaboration with the Flemish government, helpline 1712 sends out thousand sports and cultural organizations campaign posters with the request to hang them in the changing rooms or in other visible places. With the posters it wants to emphasize that looking away is not okay. “Bystanders of violence play an important role in tackling transgressive behavior,” explains Wim Van de Voorde, coordinator of helpline 1712. “They can support the victim or contact 1712. They can also contribute to a climate in the sports club or cultural organization that does not look away from the problem.” The 1712 campaign also calls on everyone to modify their photo on social media or by posting a video with the message #Kijknietweg.

The campaign is also supported by various well-known athletes and professionals from the cultural sector who also testify about transgressive behavior. Gymnast Aagje Vanwalleghem and athlete Louise Carton talk about the harmful impact of psychological and physical unacceptable behavior and the shame and taboos that accompany it. Actress and dancer Geneviève Lagravière and actresses Marijke Pinoy and Anemone Valcke testify about their own experiences with (sexually) transgressive behavior.

A number of acquaintances including Roos Van Acker, Sioen, Jaouad Alloul, Eva Binon, Karine Claassen, Souad Boukathem, Karolien Debecker, Jits Van Belle, TsarB, Anne Laure Vandeputte, Amber Janssens and Leen Demaré are also joining the team.

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