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Fameck | Obituary. M. Raymond Ruf

We learned of the death of Mr. Raymond Ruf, which occurred Tuesday April 6 in Bouc-Bel-Air (13), at the age of 81.

Born January 15, 1940 in Nancy, the deceased had taken for wife, Mrs. Janine, née Besnier, on 1is August 1964 in Épinal, which he had the pain of losing on January 5, 2019.

From this union were born two children, Yanick and Emmanuel. Five grandchildren, Julien, Emmanuel, Valentin, Océane and Auriane came to expand the family circle.

Retired entrepreneur, he lived in Fameck.

The deceased is buried in the Battavoine burial chamber, 134, rue des Romains in Thionville.

The religious ceremony will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 13, at 2:30 p.m., in Saint-Martin de Fameck church, followed by cremation.

Our condolences to the family.

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