Home » today » News » Fameck: Intoxicated Woman Assaults Firefighters with Hitting, Insults, and Spitting.

Fameck: Intoxicated Woman Assaults Firefighters with Hitting, Insults, and Spitting.

The firefighters were called on February 14 to help a young alcoholic woman in Fameck. But she abused them: spitting, insults, death threats, violence. This isn’t the first time she’s taken on the uniform. The shocked relief workers testified in court.

Par F.T.

Yesterday at 07:00 | updated at 5:37 PM

“I’ve been a professional firefighter for 22 years, I’ve never seen that,” testifies one of the victims. Three firefighters from Fameck were physically and verbally attacked by a young alcoholic woman on February 14 at the entrance to the Leclerc store in the town. “We came to help her but after a few minutes, she lost her mind,” adds the firefighter. The victims describe fury, spitting, insults, death threats, beatings. “She knew where she was hitting, what she was doing. She had to fight. Customers attended the scene. The professional can’t believe it. “The barrier has been crossed. »

Already condemned fifteen days earlier

The young woman in question appeared before the Thionville Criminal Court on Monday. His small silhouette, planted at the bar, does not turn towards the firefighters when they tell. Sneakers, biker jacket and black jeans, she faces the judges and tries to justify her attitude. She wouldn’t have tolerated this Valentine’s Day very well. “I freaked out, I bought a watch, alcohol,” she begins. She swallows vodka, two strong beers. “My brain is so damaged, I can’t remember,” she promises.

The gendarmes intervened. The young woman is not unknown to them. They’ve already picked her up, disoriented, drunk. They were not spared but they managed to bring her back to her mother in Fameck before calling her the next day. This is not the first time that she has appeared in court. She was sentenced fifteen days earlier to six months in prison, subject to change, for violence and insults towards police officers and firefighters in Florange.

One year in jail

This time, she defends herself without a lawyer. “It’s always the same facts. I have a lot of business…”, she concedes. His record confirms. “It’s up to me to change my behavior,” she slips. She has just spent four months in a clinic to try to cure her addiction to alcohol, in particular. “I try to play sports every day to release my rage. Her words are accompanied by sweeping gestures. Apologies too.

The court goes beyond the prosecutor’s requisitions and sentences the young woman to one year in prison, including six months, which she will carry out under an electronic bracelet. The six-month suspended sentence is subject to a work and care obligation for two years. He will also be prohibited from frequenting a drinking establishment during this period. Finally, the defendant must pay 500 euros to each of the three victims for their non-pecuniary damage.

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