Telegram channels report that a gang is operating on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), which, under the guise of visiting election commissions, enters the homes of disabled people and pensioners and commits robberies. As part of a joint project between URA.RU and Noodles Media to expose fakes, it became known that this information is not true. It was refuted by the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.
“This orientation, allegedly posted on behalf of one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, does not correspond to reality. The police urge citizens not to trust anonymous messages on social networks that are distributed in order to discredit law enforcement agencies and create panic among the population,” the DPR Ministry of Internal Affairs said. The statement is given on the official website of the Gorlovka administration.
Today in Russia officially elections have begun at various levels. From 8 to 10 September, 78 election campaigns are being held in 54 regions. More than 34,000 mandates will be replaced, in addition, elections of heads of 21 regions will be held.
#DNR #denies #rumors #robbery #home #voting
2023-09-08 06:05:00