According to the police headquarters, the fraudulent phone call is still ongoing. Callers pretend to be police officers and want to persuade those called to give them money and valuables.
On Wednesday there was an accumulation of calls from “false police officers” to citizens in the Offenburg area. According to police information, the calls are currently still ongoing. As far as we know, there have not yet been any successful frauds.
The story presented by the fraudsters is mostly similar: A gang of burglars or robbers was arrested in the area, but not all, just one or two. Notes with the name and address of the person called were found on these. It is therefore assumed that the person called will be the victim of an imminent break-in. The police can now secure the valuables. In all variants, the amalgamation with a criminal bank employee is described again and again, so that the money would not be safe in the bank either.
The police explain:
»The real police would never ask for cash, money transfers or valuables for their investigation or to protect citizens’ assets.
Anyone who receives such a call should under no circumstances call back the number displayed on the phone, but rather ask the emergency number 110.
»Simply hang up the phone as soon as the person you are talking to demands money.
Called persons should not disclose details of family or financial circumstances.
» Never handed over money to unknown persons.
Immediately inform the police on 110 if a call appears suspicious.