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Fallout 4 Fans Embark on a Gastronomic Journey for the Perfectly Preserved Pie

A connoisseur of virtual delicacies went on a gastronomic odyssey in Fallout 4. The adventures clearly dragged on

Fallout 4, after so many years, haunts researchers. Fans set all sorts of goals for themselves.

For example, ReddsionThing reported an impressive achievement. After 1,200 hours of playing Fallout 4, he was finally able to get a perfectly preserved pie from a machine.

In the world of Fallout 4 there is a Port-A-Diner (“Portable lunch”, a vending machine). With a certain degree of probability, you can extract a perfectly preserved cake from it – with icing and cream.

Fallout 4 fans collected information About the principle of operation of the machines, it is known that:

«When you activate the machine, the game randomly generates a number between 1 and 1000. If the number is less than or equal to (2 x Luck + number of attempts / 2), you will receive a pie…

The probability of getting a pie from a machine at the Yader-Mira landfill is 100% [ReddsionThing не стал искать лёгкий путь]».

Automatic and perfectly preserved pie.

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