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Falling Stars – You can see the Lyrids in April

The Lyrids appear in the night sky of Germany every April. They race at around 180,000 kilometers per hour Falling stars the lyrids into the earth’s atmosphere and burn up in the sky.

The swarm of celestial bodies reached its climax in the night from the 21st to the 22nd of the month, according to the Association of Star Friends in Germany.

Around 20 shooting stars of the Lyrids are usually seen every hour, which is one every three minutes. According to information from astronomers, more celestial bodies are not to be expected this year either, said the star friends. These are further sky highlights in 2020.

New moon provides a good view of shooting stars

But amateur astronomers and night owls are still lucky. The approaching one new moon two days later and therefore weaker light, allow a good view of the light strips. Against the ubiquitous light pollution, you should still look for a dark observation point and look into the northern starry sky.

The Lyrids are after that Lyre constellation (lat .: Lyra), from which they seem to spring. According to the Sternfreunde, this is only perspective. In fact, at that time the Earth was crossing the remnants of the comet Thatcher, discovered in 1861. (dpa / jha)

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