“Falling in Love”, the new grand show in Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast, sparkles with 100 million crystals – and costumes by Jean-Paul Gaultier. There is still beauty in the world.
There’s only one thing more boring than people telling you their dreams: when people tell you their drug stories. And that’s what it sounded like when you spoke to someone in the past few weeks who had been to one of the many previews of the new major revue “Falling in Love” at Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast and was trying to summarize the content. There was talk of a deaf man named You who… It didn’t seem to be entirely clear what the story was with him. In any case, three colors then appeared. What, three colors? Well, three colors. So blue, green and red. And the… From this point in the summary, quite early on, you had the feeling that you were being told a retelling of an LSD experience, which is why you only half listened, because you really have to for something like that to have been there.
2023-10-13 02:16:47
#Grand #Show #FriedrichstadtPalast #Berlin #grace #splendor #Gaultier #glamour