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Fall Round of Corona Shots Starting on October 2: Expanded Injection Locations and Target Groups


Assen – The autumn round of the corona shot starts on October 2. Anyone who is at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus can from then on receive a corona shot. GGD Drenthe is responsible for the implementation in Drenthe and doubles the number of injection locations in the province.

If you fall within the target group, you can make an appointment at one of the eight injection locations. In addition, the GGD visits healthcare institutions and non-mobile residents living at home to give the corona shot. The autumn round is intended for people aged 60 or older, people aged 18 to 59 who receive an annual invitation for the flu shot, medically high-risk groups and pregnant women. Healthcare workers with direct patient and/or client contact can also get the corona shot this fall.

Fewer people are becoming seriously ill from corona compared to the first years of the pandemic. This is the result of the broad protection that has been built up. Many people have been vaccinated, have had corona or both. The expectation is that the virus will continue to circulate in waves. And that every wave causes more people to become seriously ill. With the corona shot, people who are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill can restore their defenses against the coronavirus.

Invitation letter

Unlike previous rounds of corona shots, not everyone who is allowed to get a corona shot will receive a letter about this. Only people aged 60 and over will receive an invitation letter from the RIVM. The other target groups can make an appointment themselves from October 16 via www.planjeprik.nl. From that moment on, people without DigiD can call 0800-7070 to make an appointment. This number is available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

To make getting a corona shot even easier, GGD Drenthe is expanding its injection locations. It is possible to get your corona shot at a large or small injection location, depending on where you feel comfortable. In addition to the large injection locations in Assen, Emmen and Beilen, residents are welcome at the smaller injection locations in Nijeveen, Hoogeveen, Dwingeloo, Borger and Nieuw-Roden. The GGD goes to healthcare institutions and people living at home who are not mobile. The GGD has a number of mobile teams that go to healthcare institutions, reception locations and non-mobile people living at home to give the corona shot. Together with the general practitioners, she identifies which people this concerns. The GGD is ready. All employees needed to manage the autumn round are currently being trained so that we can start implementation on October 2.

2023-09-21 08:36:30
#Autumn #corona #injection #GGD #Drenthe #starts #October #Wolden

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