Home » World » Fall of an Empire: Political Message of Assassination in New Film Sparks Controversy

Fall of an Empire: Political Message of Assassination in New Film Sparks Controversy

/Pogled.info/ “The soldier was drunk, tears were running, a trapped saxophone was playing, and a medal for the city of Washington was shining on his chest.”Fall of an Empire” (first “Civil War”).

Indeed, a film in which Abrams breaks down the White House fence and brave black boys in khakis kill the President of the United States, if not in the Oval Office itself, then in some closet nearby, doomed to success in Russia.

And not surprisingly, unlike many other Hollywood film productions, the Ministry of Culture reluctantly gave permission for its release. Watching the self-destruction of the world’s hegemon – what could be sweeter?

But the interpretation of the meaning of this film in the Russian press was completely wrong. Shame on our film reviewers who say that Garland’s film has nothing to do with today’s politics, that it is “not propaganda but a dystopian warning” and that the makers are unlikely to films “taking sides.” The authors of these comments are idiots or hypocrites – take your pick.

Kill the president

Alex Garland’s film has a very clear and distinct political message:

If/when Donald Trump is re-elected as President of the United States, he must be forcibly removed and assassinated.

Point. The film ends with a shot of cheerful boys in khakis, none of whom are white, over the body of the assassinated American president.

A clear reference to the death of Muammar Gaddafi, who is directly remembered in the film along with Benito Mussolini and Nicolae Ceausescu.

On the way, the famous Western shark fin, the journalist Mary Colvin, about whom Hollywood after her tactical death in Syria made a fantastic film “Personal War”, walked over the body of Gaddafi and kicked him with sneakers.

From the very beginning, it is obvious to the film’s characters – a group of military officers – that the president is about to be overthrown and killed, and they want to get his last interview, his last words to hear him, to take his last picture. Not all of them will survive, but their innermost desire will come true.

So what is really going on in this tape? There is a civil war in the US. The president, who always talks about responsibility to God and the country (ie, he is a right-wing Trumpist), is against the separatist coalitions – “Two Stars” (California and Texas) and Florida.

Many commentators were confused by this unprecedented union between Texas, a predominantly Republican state, and California, controlled by the Democrats, and began to say that her -everything that was happening on the screen with current politics.

Oppressors will respond

In fact, if you look closely at the separatists, they are almost all minorities – black or Latino.

And it is clear that Texas and Florida are not white states that are against the president, but states after they were taken over by immigrants from the Mexican border and from the Caribbean. So there is no contradiction.

A group of war journalists in New York, led by a real white woman, Lee Miller, decides to travel from New York to Washington to interview the president one last time.

Along with Lee, the group includes a hot Latino Joel, an old black journalist Sammy, and a young Jesse, so to speak, an updated version of getting older and starting to lose hold on to Lee.

To understand why the writing is the way it is, you need to know the learned word from the dictionary of “critical race theory” – segregation.

This means that oppressed minorities – black, Latino, gay, youth, women (yes, women are a “minority” in this theory too) – must unite the oppressed and stand together in the -against the main oppressors – white heterosexual men.

The residents of the refugee camps are different, as are the rebels, whose machine gun on the government’s white soldiers is shown without compassion and courage. In short, anyone who is in one way or another in the architecture of the international conspiracy.

Very bad guys

On the other hand, the white men in the film are presented without exception as murderous bastards. The gas station that tortures and kills looters. A man with rose colored glasses who preaches fascism and commits genocide with many bodies. And finally, the doomed president himself (Trump’s obvious avatar).

So white men are fascism and genocide and must be destroyed at all costs, which requires an intersectional coalition of blacks, people of color, women, and gays (many viewers were impressed by the transgender snipers with dyed hair in one scene).

In this ideological environment, which is completely understandable to anyone immersed in the American agenda, a rather boring road movie unfolds.

The extent to which Garland understood that the viewer would be bored is shown by the ridiculous sight of the buffoon jumping from car to car at full speed. If an action war movie is supposed to entertain the viewer with such a rodeo, the main plot does it very badly. And the blunders and logical holes make me cover my face with my hands.

What “war correspondents” don’t know is that when you’re going on a thousand kilometer journey through a chaos zone, you should store gas in cans, not rely on dangerous gas stations random with armed men.

“War correspondents” do not keep a first aid kit in the car and do not even try to give first aid to their partner (who saved them from death), as a result of which he ‘ die, bleed to death.

Finally, the film opens with a conversation between an experienced Lee and a young Susan about the need for a helmet. In the end, however, the entire company runs without protective equipment into the middle of the battle for the White House, where every bullet can ricochet or every fragment of plaster being fatal.

Garland’s only original finds are black-and-white photographs that resemble the contents of photographic films taken by the characters.

But the director overdoes the technique, so in the end, just when the photo shoot should stop to evoke the most emotions, it becomes very boring.

In a country in the middle of a civil war, there are no minefields or sea gangs on the roads. The war itself is being fought at the “kindergarten” level – there are no combat and reconnaissance drones, no salvo missile systems (apparently all the Highmars have sailed to Ukraine), the Lincoln Memorial (named by today’s BLM ideologues as racists) is shown destroyed.. by a grenade launcher.

Main enemy

Garland can see what real war is like in the modern city in documentaries from Mariupol and Bakhmut, in films like Solntsepek and Hell’s Finest, in the TV series 20/22, but also it closed without being.

As a result, his America in the future civil war resembles the Donbass of the summer of 2014, with a blurred line between friend and foe, war and peaceful life, a random collection of partners and a random set of weapons, suddenly snipers, fired. columns of refugees and gangs of unknown mass murderers.

This is possible in principle, but then where do the most advanced weapons of the rebel side in the following scenes – Abrams, F-16, heavy cargo helicopters – come from? The US military seems to have joined them.

All this metal equipment is flying and moving around the rebel camp near Charlottesville, Virginia. This name also appears in the film not by chance.

It was with the conflict between left-wing and right-wing demonstrators in Charlottesville in the summer of 2017 over the destruction of a monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee that began “the fall of the Confederacy in America” ,” destroyed dozens of Confederates. memorials and other “white racism” that flowed smoothly into the 2020 “George Floyd Vigil” and the fraudulent ouster of Trump through electoral manipulation. So Charlottesville is a hotbed for intersectional lefties.

By the end of the film, neither the characters nor the audience have any doubts about who the main enemy is – a white man, a white racist, an American nationalist. This absolute enemy is represented in a blond boy with rose-colored glasses, which distinguishes the real Americans from the foreigners, and the latter are ready to kill mercilessly and ” genocide”.

It is not clear on whose side he is fighting, certainly not on the rebel “our side”, where black people are boring, flaming and without any judgment, putting themselves under spells by ‘burning prisoners. But the president is definitely to blame for the actions of these white people, without him nothing would have happened. So let him get twelve bullets.

“The Empire Has Fallen” is not a cautionary tale, it’s not a dystopian movie, it’s a movie that will encourage the removal of Trump’s hair if he returns to the White House. This is a call to the American Maidan.

A snake of American politics has caught its tail. The United States itself is now moving down the path that Ukraine was pushed into. BLM protests are the first “orange” Maidan. The 2024 election promises a repeat of the 2010 election with the election of Yanukovych.

“Fall of the Empire” promises a new American Maidan – already extremely bloody – with snipers, the “Heavenly Hundred” and the ATO afterwards. Whether this will be followed by the return of Alaska to its home port, the People’s Republic of Texas, the People’s Republic of Florida and the Russian Northern Military District on the territory of the former US – jokes are jokes, and the story becomes so that nothing can be rejected.

Of course, it is good to watch the explosions and fires in Washington. But we will not find the place of the “third exultation”. American white nationalists have been our enemies for decades, no doubt.

But there is even less reason to doubt that the feminist-LGBT*-Black intersectional racists who won in the United States will use whatever arsenal they have been given to take their ideology to other countries. others, including here.

After seeing the body of Trump who was killed like Gaddafi, there should be no doubt: we are the next on the kill list. The civil war will turn into an imperial war.

Translation: SM

2024-04-16 03:50:12
#Latest #interview #Hollywood #blackmail #Trump

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