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Fall in blood donations: Together to overcome the shortage …

The Covid-19 pandemic is once again impacting blood reserves in Tunisia. Today, with an endless second wave, the recurring deficit has worsened with a fatal lack of blood. The National Blood Transfusion Center has mobilized to deal with this situation.

After a cry of alarm launched during the first confinement in March 2020 to draw the attention of citizens to the importance of donating blood in this period of pandemic which has caused a drop in blood donations, the National Blood Transfusion Center (Cnts) is mobilizing, again for a few weeks, in the face of the urgent need to replenish the national blood reserves.

Collections at half mast because of the pandemic

The Pr Hmida Slama, CEO of the CNTS, indicates that after the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis last March, the number of people in need of blood, nationally and internationally, has increased considerably, while On the other hand, the number of blood donors has registered a remarkable drop since since the appearance of this epidemic, fear has won over the Tunisian population but also internationally.

“The situation is not limited to Tunisians. Confinement, courses that take place at a distance, teleworking… are all factors that have had repercussions on the entry of blood products at the CNTS as in the other centers. The mobile teams at our center continue to travel every day to collect blood donations (in universities, high schools, factories, etc.), but this exceptional context does not facilitate this mission.

In addition, faced with a second wave of the coronavirus which leads to records of contamination and deaths in our country – as in several countries of the world – the voluntary donors, who used to travel to blood transfusion centers, do not come because they are afraid of the Covid-19, and because they are afraid of being contaminated… This situation has, therefore, led to the gradual reduction of the stock of blood in hospitals and medical centers ” , explains the Pr Slama.

If nothing is done, the country risks experiencing a tragedy

The Pr Slama also asserts that despite this delicate and exceptional health situation, we must continue to donate blood, because in addition to the coronavirus pandemic, there are chronically ill patients who also require a blood transfusion. There is, for example, thalassemia (genetic disease of hemoglobin called orphan, which is characterized by particularly marked anemias, an enlarged spleen and / or deformation of the skull and long bones). In this case, the patient requires transfusions throughout life: every 5 weeks, or even every 2 or 3 weeks. There are also people undergoing surgery, heavy treatments (chemotherapy), victims of hemorrhages, accidents, women who have had a difficult childbirth and who are forced to hemorrhages from the delivery (in such a situation, we can even consume about twenty pockets!) …

“All these people are saved thanks to red blood cells… All these examples and others to say and repeat that there is a daily need for blood but it is irregular. At the Cnts, the needs are around 250 to 300 bags per day, against a daily need of 700 to 800 bags throughout the national territory. To meet this need and continue to save people’s lives, we must continue to donate blood because if nothing is done, the country risks experiencing a tragedy during which the population risks suffering from lack of blood. It is for all these reasons that the population is called upon so that together, in a gesture of solidarity, we can not only defeat Covid-19, but avoid this catastrophic scenario, ”he explains.

For a regular benefit

Pr Slama also specifies that the blood product has a limited shelf life. For example, red blood cell concentrates are stored for up to 42 days, at a legally set temperature between + 2 ° and + 6 ° C, while for platelet concentrates, they have a shelf life of 5 days with constant agitation. and maintained between + 20 ° and + 24 ° C. Hence the need to renew stocks on a permanent and continuous basis and the obligation to continue to donate blood on a regular basis. It is important to emphasize here that the labile blood product (product resulting from a blood donation and intended for transfusion into a patient) comes exclusively from voluntary blood donors. It is not a product that can be manufactured. And therefore, he has no other sources than Man.

“Thus, only regular donations from voluntary donors can ensure a sufficient supply. It must be said, we could never have a stock of blood product “stable and sustainable over time” to secure the needs of citizens, but voluntary and regular donors remain the foundation of the secure blood supply. This is the only way that will allow us to have balanced stocks, allowing us to meet all the requests of our patients. Hence the need to multiply and launch these appeals for donations during this exceptional period to avoid a drop in reserves… because it is regular and voluntary donation that guarantees the continuity of stocks, ”he underlines.

For those who hesitate …

According to the Pr Slama, the amount of blood collected varies between 420 and 480 ml, depending on the weight (or 8% of the total blood volume which is quickly returned by the body). So, there is no need to worry about a lack of blood in the body. For those who are still hesitating, the CEO of the CNTS affirms that the center has taken all the necessary precautions to protect them: protective equipment available, hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance, multiplication of sampling rooms …

“You don’t have to worry. The waiting room meets all safety and sterilization requirements. Only healthy donors will have access to the room. It is enough to continue to donate your blood so that we can continue to provide all public and private health structures with their daily needs in blood and its derivatives, ”he says.

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