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Falihery Razafindrakoto: “I strongly denounce the persistent injustices towards people with disabilities”

« Dear compatriots, I implore you to join me in this urgent appeal. Amplify your voice, call on the authorities and demand concrete change. The rights of people with disabilities are a concern that should mobilize all of us. It is up to us to fight collectively to establish a more equitable, inclusive society that respects the dignity of each individual. Together we can make a difference.” Questions signed by Falihery Razafindrakoto in an open letter addressed to all Malagasy people on the occasion of December 3, World Day of Persons with Disabilities. Falihery Razafindrakoto calls for action for people with disabilities. “ It is imperative to once again demand authentic commitment from all stakeholders involved in the field of disability, as well as sincere political will from our national authorities. », he says. For him, the promotion of the rights of this community remains largely insufficient. The violation of the rights of people with disabilities during the electoral period is given as an example. “ During the recent elections, despite the efforts of civil society, nearly 30% of polling stations remained inaccessible, violating the fundamental right of many citizens to exercise their democratic duty. “, deplored Falihery Razafindrakoto.

Next to the plaque. The absence of the theme of disability throughout the electoral campaign reveals a lack of prioritization of this problem according to the explanations of our source. The latter then raises a lack of coordination of efforts to promote the rights of people with disabilities on the sidelines of the celebration of World Day on December 3 this year. “ The theme chosen by national authorities does not correspond to the international theme proposed by the United Nations », thunders Falihery Razafindrakoto. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he continues with the national disability policy which would be expected “ for almost a decade “. A difficult birth despite some unproductive and sterile gestures ». « The initiative to develop it did not succeed in mobilizing all stakeholders and financial partners, and the lack of funding is predictable. “, concludes Falihery Razafindrakoto.

Collected by José Belalahy

Falihery Razafindrakoto’s article: « I strongly denounce persistent injustices against people with disabilities » appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.

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