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Fakfak West Papua Hospital Specialist Doctor Resigns

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Two specialist doctors at the Fakfak District Hospital, Province West Papua resigned from the hospital. Both are dr. Djahalia Rumagesan and dr. Subhan Rumoning.

They stated that they had resigned since August 4, 2021 because they felt they had been insulted by the patient’s family and were accused of having committed malpractice.

To CNNIndonesia.com, Thursday (5/8), Djahalia Rumagesan said, the resignation was motivated by the problem of malpractice complaints from the patient’s family which resulted in humiliation of the profession. He also considered that there was no protection from the hospital and the local government.

“I work under pressure of contempt for myself and the profession but do not get any protection at all from the hospital or from the local government,” he said.

He said that the insults and insults were carried out by the patient’s family who accused him of malpractice.

“I was beaten by the patient’s family with accusations of malpractice for which I dared to be responsible for the drugs I gave. The institution should have protected me, but instead I collided with the patient’s family and this happened repeatedly,” he said.

Long before his resignation, he admitted that he and other specialists met with the Regent of Fakfak. During the meeting, he asked that abuse from the patient’s family would not happen again.

“I said if this happened again, I would resign. This was witnessed by other specialists, and they also agreed because they also had the opportunity to experience the same thing,” he said.

One week after the meeting, Djahalia admitted to being visited by the patient’s family.

“I was abused again without any protection from the institution,” he explained.

He admitted to being traumatized by the act.

“How do I want to work well in this inconvenience. Even though I really want to serve the community. The feeling of serving me for the Fakfak community is very big,” he explained.

Separately, the Head of the Fakfak District Health Office, Gondo Suprapto, has not yet responded to the confirmation made by CNN Indonesia via his cellphone number.

Meanwhile, West Papuan DPR member, Saleh Siknun, asked the two specialist doctors to reconsider the resignation letter.

“This is a pandemic condition that requires the role of specialist doctors. In this condition, they are the saviors of the community,” said Saleh.

He also asked the local government not to let go, but to immediately take steps to resolve this problem by bringing together the relevant parties to get the right solution without disappointing the community.

“This problem must be resolved with the right solution. The government must remember, when they resign as doctors at the Fakfak Hospital, many hospitals are waiting for them in the midst of the positive trend of Covid-19 and also the lack of specialist doctors in a number of areas,” he said. .

(hen / ugo)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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