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Fake surgical protocols: Surgeon before job in Graz

The fact that the professor was entered in the protocols as a surgeon but did not operate is one aspect – the other is that he let patients believe that he – the “Kapazunder” – had operated on them.

Ingrid Wagner, who had aggressive breast cancer, says: “The joke was that he said he was in Switzerland the day before. But only if the plane crashes would that be a reason why he wouldn’t operate on me himself.” During the follow-up check in his private surgery, the professor stressed angrily when asked that he had of course operated and showed me the surgical protocol.

The breast cancer patient Iris Füllenhals also did not notice the professor immediately before or after the operation – only again during the follow-up check in the private practice: “He then looked at my breast and said: Well, I did a very good job there again , because you didn’t see the scar.”

MedUni Vienna: No more patient contact

According to MedUni Vienna, the surgeon was entered as the surgeon in more than 100 cases – apparently systematically – without having operated. The MedUni finally agreed with him that he would have a research professorship at the AKH but would no longer have any contact with patients.

“All proceedings discontinued”

The doctor has now applied to Med Uni Graz for the important head position in general surgery – including operations. He told Ö1 that his existence was endangered by the allegations at the time, that all proceedings against him have now been discontinued – and he says he is sorry that others felt deceived.

Attorney: diversion and fine

The lawyer Timo Gerersdorfer replies that the surgeon took responsibility before the district court as part of a diversion: “He admitted that he had actually told the patients untruths. And he had to pay a fine here, 13,000 euros and also the private fees to the patients – I represented four here – to pay back.”

According to the Viennese patient advocate Sigrid Pilz, the professor is considered a favorite for the Graz chief post: “Then before taking on another important function, the person responsible would have to publicly admit that he has deceived women. I haven’t heard anything about that, just rumors that he thinks he was taken down here as part of some scheme.”

Samonigg: “Public disavowal”

The Rector of the Medical University of Graz, Hellmut Samonigg, criticizes that these allegations come up two weeks before a hearing in Graz to which eight applicants are invited: “To single out one personality at this point in time and to publicly disavow it, I think is extremely questionable How to proceed.” And the rector goes on to say: “We have no credible, well-founded information that would make it legally impossible for him to apply for this position.”

Incidentally, the surgeon was one of the most cited researchers in Austria last year, he says. The patients Wagner and Füllenhals also recognize his scientific achievements – but their trust in the medical profession has been cracked.

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