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Fake persons are indicated in the lists of the Russian Federation for the exchange of prisoners – Arestovich

Photo: ukraina24.segodnya.ua

Speaker of the Ukrainian delegation to TCG Alexey Arestovich

The SBU managed to identify only 16 out of 90 people included in the list of separatists for the exchange of detainees.

The Russian side in the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbass submitted a list for the exchange of prisoners, most of the individuals in which are non-existent. This was stated by the speaker of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG Alexey Arestovich on the air of a talk show The right to rule Thursday evening, June 10th.

According to Arestovich, the mentioned list contains 90 names, however, the employees of the Security Service of Ukraine managed to identify only 16 of them.

Russia is submitting fake people on the list for exchange. 16 people out of 90 (were confirmed by the SBU – ed.). LPR “and” DPR “, – said the speaker.

He also said that on proposal of the head of the Ukrainian delegation Leonid Kravchuk has refused to exchange four sick Ukrainians who are in the “LPNR”.

“Kravchuk came up with an initiative yesterday: let’s exchange four seriously ill people, they are in intensive care there. It was denied,” Arestovich said.

Earlier it became known that Ukraine added to the list for the exchange of prisoners with ORDLO 285 Ukrainians, while the separatists – 90 people.

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