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Fake news. Three ways to prevent covid-19 panic

It is very likely that, in the last few hours, someone sent you an alarmist message via mobile phone. Between 19.30 on March 12 and 00.00 on the 13th, ISCTE’s MediaLab received 179 examples on the first day of its campaign to identify the disinformation associated with covid-19 on WhatsApp.

In this false information, mainly circulated through audio files, three types of false news stand out, which aim to create an increased social alarm. Examples of these lies: there are already several deaths that are being “covered up” by the authorities; quarantine will be decreed from March 13th, 14th or 15th across the country, with the closure of commercial establishments and the absence of supplies; the authorities are aware of a much larger number of infected people than was released to the press. All of these messages are proven to be false.

MediaLab explains that “these false narratives are mostly validated by introducing prominent figures in Portuguese society as sources of information unknown to the public: doctors, officials or hospital officials; children of political figures, television or leaders of major companies.”

Two voice messages, from an alleged Portuguese doctor, are circulating through various groups created on WhatsApp, and are quickly replicated by the people who hear them. In these sound files, the voice guarantees that “the state of alarm is huge” and describes several deaths (which did not happen, as confirmed by official sources). “Today, a man died at Curry Cabral”, he guarantees. Later, he adds a new case: “Yesterday a man died on the South Bank.” The conclusion of one of the messages is this: “My alarmism comes from what is going on, from watching people die.”

Among the data we collect are hundreds of messages that are being analyzed by the MediaLab team, by the DN and by a set of volunteers who made themselves available to be part of this work.

Anyone who hears this message may have doubts. Is there any information that is being hidden? Therefore, these testimonies from an alleged doctor who claims to have dealt with several deaths have spread quickly, at least since Wednesday.

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