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fake FBI emails sent from one of their servers

A problem recently occurred with one of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) servers. Indeed, yesterday Saturday November 13, 2021, an unknown person used it to send several fake emails informing of the imminence of a cyberattack.

It is not known if they were sent by an outside hacker

The information was confirmed in a release by the FBI and the CISA (cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency). These are indeed several fake emails attributed to the US Department of Homeland Security. However, no further information was given on how the emails were sent. We do not know if they were sent by an outside hacker or by an agent of the FBI, or other person having been authorized to have access to the server. “The FBI and the CISA are aware of the incident this morning involving fake emails from an account [email protected] indicated the statement which added that“This is an ongoing situation and we cannot provide any other additional information at the moment”.

The messages were sent in two waves

The FBI and the CISA have also indicated that “The affected material has been taken offline” upon discovery of the problem. “We continue to encourage the public to be careful of unknown senders and ask you to report any questionable activity.” the FBI and the CISA said in their statement. According to the details reported by the company Spamhaus the fake emails, were sent in waves on Saturdays, from an address used by many US government agencies. Some of these messages were titled: “Urgent, your systems are threatened”.

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