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Fake comparison portals: Don’t be fooled

Posted by the customer.

In Switzerland, too, there are now more and more websites that allegedly publish transparent comparisons.

This is how the customers are put into the pan

Most of these are just so-called “landing pages”, which attract customers with empty promises via search engines.

Such bogus comparisons are operated by at least three types of companies: Marketing companies, brokers or providers themselves.

Fake news from marketing companies

Often they are search engine specialists who run hundreds of pages. Pages about loans, health insurance and telecom topics are particularly popular. Many operate from abroad, for example from Germany and Great Britain.

These pages are often full of false information. Pseudo-comparisons are intended to attract the Swiss to the website. The inquiries are then often forwarded to brokers at home or abroad.

Broker pseudo comparisons

Many Swiss brokers also operate pages with pseudo comparisons. The inquiries then do not go to the actual providers in the comparisons.

But directly to the brokers. Often times other providers are recommended in the sales talk due to commissions than the user selected on the page.

Condensed comparisons of providers

Even providers such as banks, insurance companies and telecommunications companies sometimes grab their bag of tricks and publish their own comparisons. Of course, only those providers are listed that do worse than their own offer.

Once the reputation is battered …

Comparison services were originally valued as practical helpers. But the reputation of the comparison portals has suffered recently – also in Switzerland.

This is not only due to the pseudo-comparisons mentioned. The actual comparison services themselves are also working more and more frequently as brokers and are no longer avoiding possible conflicts of interest.

Result: Customers often receive suboptimal and too expensive loans, mortgages, insurance and mobile phone subscriptions.

Brokerage commissions aren’t bad per se. However, in practice they can lead many intermediaries to make product recommendations that are not in the interests of the customers. But generate the highest possible commissions.

Decisive: independent comparative ranking

One of the few remaining neutral comparison services is moneyland.ch. In contrast to many other comparison services meanwhile, moneyland.ch does not work as a broker itself, so it does not receive any broker commissions.

The business model: moneyland.ch is compensated for online advertising, clicks and user inquiries (leads).

The key point: Whether a provider pays for clicks or leads has no influence on the comparison ranking.

moneyland.ch with better comparisons than Comparis

The consumer magazine K-Geld rated the leading Swiss comparison services (issue 2/2020). At moneyland.ch, K-Geld praised the “largest selection of comparisons in the banking and insurance sector and the filter options for results”.

In comparison, moneyland.ch performed best (4 out of 5 points), followed by Comparis (3.5 points) and Bonus.ch (3 points).

Financescout24 landed in last place (2.5 points).

Accurate comparisons

In terms of quality, moneyland.ch has been the leading Swiss comparison site for many products in the banking, telecommunications and insurance sectors for several years.

Just one example: the credit card comparison is by far the most detailed and accurate and, in addition to many services, is the only one that also includes surcharges in the exchange rates.

With more than 100 comparisons and calculators in the banking, telecom and insurance sectors, moneyland.ch is now also quantitatively ahead.

More than 70 computers

Moneyland.ch has now programmed more than 70 practical calculators. These include calculators in the areas of interest and savings, loans, mortgages, investments, trading, retirement planning and insurance. You can find an overview of all computers here.

More than 30 comparisons

Moneyland.ch regularly maintains more than 30 comparisons. This includes comparisons for credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, bank accounts, retirement funds, trading, asset management, cell phone and internet subscriptions, health insurance, legal protection and travel insurance. You can find an overview of all comparisons here.

Don’t throw your money out the window!

moneyland.ch regularly prepares product analyzes in the areas of telecommunications, banking and insurance. In the magazine, new money guides with helpful tips are also written every week. Stop losing money unnecessarily!

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With the free moneyland.ch newsletter, you will be kept up to date with the latest advice, news and comparisons. Stay informed, it’s worth it! Click here for the free newsletter registration.

Further information:
Comparison site for banks, insurance companies and telecommunications

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