The next Pentecost Feria in Nîmes will be held in the arenas from May 25 to 29.
The presentation of the cartels of the Pentecost feria in Nîmes is always an awaited moment in the life of the city. At a time when bullfighting is heckled, it is good to close ranks and move forward like a Roman tortoise, slowly but surely!
It is often said that bulls live on a planet that cannot be tainted by politics. However, without the support of representatives of democracy, there is little chance of making its voice heard. A voice announces it, that of Marie Sara, Nîmes will be an important plaza again this year.
The mayor of Nîmes, Jean-Paul Fournier (Photo Anthony Maurin).
Simon Casas absent – because he missed his flight – it was therefore his collaborator who announced the cartels. ” Rich and beautiful cartels, a very beautiful feria with renowned breedings “, confirms the mayor of Nîmes, Jean-Paul Fournier. ” For the first time in 40 years, Simon Casas is not there… I will be less lyrical and simpler. In any case, it’s a very, very big feria which will begin on the 25th with a Camargue race. »
Marie Sara at the microphone (Photo Anthony Maurin).
A royal from Saumade with her three important bulls, Cobalt, Vicar and, as a nod to the aficion, Castella. If we don’t yet know the men in white who will face them, we bet that there will be the best! ” Of the 17 positions we offer, there are eight French people, i.e. almost 50% of bullfighters. »
On the 26th, a bullfight in El Parralejo will be organized at the opening of the Spanish bullfighting cycle of this Pentecost 2023 feria. Domecq via Jandilla, this breeding breeds well and its past results easily prove it. In front of them, a Daniel Luque who achieved an exceptional temporada 2022 according to his words. He will confirm the alternative of Angel Telles and Francisco de Manuel, both of whom have already come to Nîmes, from novilleros, in 2018 and 2019. As always when a maestro makes his presentation in Nîmes, he confirms his doctorate. Last year, Angel Telles bullfighted 22 times and cut off 24 ears and 1 tail. For his part, Franscico de Manuel has eight bullfights and 12 cut ears on the counter. To echo these good figures, here is the results of the 2022 races for Daniel Luque… 44 bullfights, 92 ears and eight tails cut off. Remember that Luque has a special history with Nîmes because he took his alternative there in 2007.
That same day, finally at 10 p.m., competition of recortadores in the arenas with recortadores, landais spreaders and forcados to ensure the show.
Castella has often triumphed in Nîmes (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin).
On Saturday 27 at 6 p.m., corrida in Victoriano del Rio for a great premiere. This breeding chain successes with toros of guarantee. However, the big first lies at the heart of the pedestrian cartel. Sébastien Castella, Juan Leal and Andrés Roca Rey have never tored together!
For his return after three years of retirement, the Biterrois Castella will not be spared even if he joins a very nice cartel, one of those which almost ensure the triumph of bullfighters. ” The war will take place! It will be strong in emotions with courage, risk taking “Slips Marie Sara. You will see the return of a great after a short retirement, the ten years of alternative of Juan Leal who has a history in Nîmes and another Nîmes bullfighter because sacred in our amphitheater with the Peruvian number 1 undisputed and indisputable of the moment Andrés Roca Ray. Great race on paper, but you know what they say…
Solalito (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin).
• Anthony MAURIN
On Sunday 28 in the morning, novillada of the Golden Cape of the Peña Antonio Ordoñez. The novillos will come straight from an iconic personality, Chamaco. They will make their presentation in France “ and they come out extraordinarily well! I went to see the novillada and it is magnificent “, admits Marie Sara, concerned by this race. Concerned, yes! Lalo de Maria, his son, will be the third to hit the track to claim the trophy in contention. In front of him, Yon Lamothe, a young man from Mons and Solalito, another from Nîmes. ” They will do everything to win! » A French race for bullfighters and attractive for novillos. Their bloodline Domecq via Jandilla is known and recognized and appeals to tendidos. A moment which will be that of aficion and which promises great sensations.
Morante de la Puebla (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin). • Anthony MAURIN
At 6 p.m. that same Sunday, Nuñez del Cuvillo bullfight “ which is among the best breeders at the moment, but which has not been to Nîmes since 2018 », for Morante de la Puebla, Jose Maria Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante. Three artists who all have something to play for. The first made his 100 paseos in 2022, bet met by cutting 84 ears and two tails. The second will celebrate its 20 years of alternative and, even if it knows a small hollow in its bullfighting career, it always attracts the curious ones and the amateurs of beautiful things. Alejandro Talavante plays big because even if he cut off many ears here, he never left through the Porte des Consuls!
Lea Vicens (Photo Anthony Maurin).
On Monday 29 at 11:30 a.m., place at the rejon bullfight. For her, ” the best bulls, those of Fermin Bohorquez and I know a little about it, it’s the safest breeding for equestrian bullfights, moreover the cartel is the same as last year. Indeed Lea Vicens, the Nîmes centaur will face the son of Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Guillermo. Lea is celebrating its ten years of alternative and it should be remembered that, last year, everyone came out in triumph through the front door. The Porte des Consuls had opened for the two horsemen as well as for the mayoral of the ganaderia.
Adrien Salenc becomes Adriano (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin). • Anthony MAURIN
By way of closing the feria, a beautiful bullfight signed Margé for a Mexican that the aficion will be pleased to find, Arturo Saldivar! With no race in Europe on the clock for almost eight years, it had rained during his novillero presentation during which he opened the big door! If we forget the European data and focus on its American contracts, Saldivar has bullfighted 18 bullfights and cut off 27 ears.
With him two Frenchmen. Adriano and El Raf, two Nîmes. Adriano? Yes, those who haven’t followed the winter news, Adrien Salenc has taken this simpler apodo for the Spaniards. By 2022, he had tored 12 bullfights and cut off 20 ears and a tail. El Rafi, he had taken his doctorate in Arles where he was in the cartel with Adrien Salenc. Their stories are similar, the competencia will be there!
El Rafi (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin).
• Anthony MAURIN
The opening of rentals for subscriptions is scheduled from next Monday, March 13 at 9:30 a.m. Separate tickets will be sold from Monday April 11, Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Arènes ticket office at 4, rue de la Violette BP 61480 – 30017 NÎMES CEDEX 1 or by telephone at 0 891 701 401 (€0.225 including tax/min) or on the website. To buy your tickets it’s here.
The well-stocked arenas during the morning bullfight on Whit Monday. A successful equestrian bullfight (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin).
Concerning the upcoming Harvest Feria, we have learned that El Juli will celebrate its 25th anniversary as an alternative on September 17 in our arenas by locking itself in there alone (but with the public) against six bulls! A La Quinta race should also be scheduled.
Before the Pentecost feria will take place at the Bosquet (Jardins de la Fontaine) the Printemps de l’Aficion that the elected bullfighting official, Frédéric Pastor, has insisted on maintaining. On April 12 will take place the opening of Feri’Art, the sponsors of the event which extends over the weekend will be Joachim Cadenas and Juan Leal to vary the bullfighting. Two becerradas will be organized, the CFT will celebrate its 40th anniversary and the Camargue race will not be forgotten.
Anthony Maurin