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Faisal Basri responds to unemployment questions to Rizieq Shihab

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Senior Economist Faisal Basri mentioning the government’s efforts to build industry labor intensive incorrect. This false diagnosis has affected the unemployment rate which has led many young people to join the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab.

According to him, the majority of unemployed people are young people with high levels of education. Most of them are high school graduates (SMA), diploma, to bachelor degree.

“Young people, 15-24 years of age who are unemployed are not suitable for labor-intensive activities. This is politics to maintain cheap wages. Finally, because it is not in accordance with the conditions, educated young people join Rizieq,” he said in the Indonesian Economic Projection 2021 webinar, Thursday ( 26/11).

Therefore, the politics of low wages, continued Faisal, must be abandoned. This is because it has a large socio-political impact.

“This is the effect of a misdiagnosis. Supposedly, labor-intensive activities are encouraged through MSMEs, industrialization, rural areas. If labor-intensive is less than Bangladesh,” said Faisal.

“So it is not suitable for labor-intensive activities. The period of undergraduate or graduate diploma is ‘motorcycle taxi’ or in the garment industry. This is not suitable,” he continued.

Moreover, the provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2021 is set the same as 2020. This policy is considered inappropriate. This is because most of the unemployed are educated people who should be paid a living wage.

For information, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the number of unemployed people in Indonesia reached 9.77 million people in August 2020. This figure is up 2.67 million people compared to the same period last year.

This caused the open unemployment rate (TPT) in August 2020 to jump to 7.07 percent. This realization increased from the position in August 2019 which was 5.23 percent.

The highest TPT was recorded in DKI Jakarta, namely 10.95 percent. Meanwhile, the lowest TPT was in West Sulawesi at 3.32 percent.

Overall, the number of working age population affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in August 2020 is 29.12 million people.

When detailed, the number of unemployed due to Covid-19 is 2.56 million people, not the workforce due to Covid-19 is 0.76 million people.

Meanwhile, there were 1.77 million people who did not work because of Covid-19, and 24.03 million people worked with a reduction in working hours because of Covid-19.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

(Au / BIR)

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