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Failure of authorities in Hamburg: Known thief child (11) already gone again | Regional

Hamburg – The scandal surrounding the eleven-year-old thief El H. is spreading. Hamburg authorities are unable to take the criminal boy into custody. On the contrary: According to BILD information, the Moroccan has been reported missing again since Friday afternoon and the police are looking for him.

An unbelievable case of government failure!

El H. is accused of more than 70 burglaries and other crimes. Most recently he was in the closed child and adolescent psychiatric unit of the Eppendorf University Hospital. He was to be assessed there so that he could finally be placed in a closed home.

The young Moroccan was caught on a burglary tour in Norderstedt with this 16-year-old Tunisian

Photo: Marco Zitzow

On Friday at 11 a.m., he was transferred back to the open youth facility on Feuerbergstrasse. Apparently without informing the police beforehand.

At 12 o’clock the Moroccan was gone again

Only an hour later, El H. fled again. The Moroccan has experience in this: He has disappeared from the facility more than 100 times since November.

Only after several BILD reports did a family court decide in mid-August that the boy should be placed in a secure home. In fact, that has not happened to date.

Failure of authorities in Hamburg: Known thief child (11) already gone again | Regional

She is responsible for Feuerbergstrasse: Social Senator Melanie Schlotzhauer (52, SPD)


This may also be because Hamburg’s red-green Senate is opposed to a closed home in the city. In cases like El H., people are therefore forced to beg for a place in other federal states.

But apparently there hasn’t been a green light from anywhere yet. The social welfare office headed by Senator Melanie Schlotzhauer (52, SPD) has not commented on the scandal – data protection!

“The whole thing is a farce”

The criminal boy was last caught in Dortmund. He had also committed crimes there – possibly on behalf of a thieving clan. El H. is not criminally responsible due to his age.

Thomas Jungfer (51), State Chairman of the German Police Unionis appalled by the latest developments: “The whole thing is a farce, a complete failure of the authorities at the expense of the Hamburg police.”

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