Home » today » News » Fahmi Idris’s Body Arrives at the Funeral Home, Greeted by Sobs, Dilayat by the Minister of Trade to the Head of BNPT

Fahmi Idris’s Body Arrives at the Funeral Home, Greeted by Sobs, Dilayat by the Minister of Trade to the Head of BNPT

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The body of the former Minister of Industry and Golkar Party politician Fahmi Idris | arrived at the funeral home in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, at around 12.30 WIB this afternoon.

Fahmi Idris’ body was greeted with tears lailahailallah.

Monitoring Kompas.com at the location, Sunday (22/5/2022), the body of Fahmi Idris was carried by a gray ambulance.

Fahmi Idris’ body in a coffin wrapped in green cloth was immediately lifted out.

Read also: Profile of Fahmi Idris, Former Activist who Became an Entrepreneur to Minister

After that, his body was immediately brought into the living room. A number of people were seen crying to welcome the body of Fahmi Idris.

Currently, the tahlilan to pray for Fahmi Idris is in progress.

After that, the funeral prayer will be held before being taken to the final resting place at the Tanah Kusir TPU.

Meanwhile, a number of officials came to visit the funeral home.

The Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Boy Rafli Amar, PSSI Chairman Iwan Bule, MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo, and Trade Minister M Lutfi.

Read also: Fahmi Idris’ body will be buried today at TPU Tanah Kusir

Then there was also the chairman of PA 212, Slamet Maarif and member of the DPR, Yorrys Raweai.

“Later, pray first,” said Boy briefly.

Wreaths from officials also came, such as from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and DKI Deputy Governor Ariza Patria.

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