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Facts about drug villages that are “hard to touch” by the security forces, have a troop of Rp. 200,000 a day, it takes a week to penetrate the “Fortress of Defense” Page all

KOMPAS.com – A village on Jalan M Kadir, Kecamatan Ilir Barat (IB) II Palembang, South Sumatra is thought to be the center of drug trafficking until it is known as drug village.

However, so far the village seems untouched by the authorities.

The police finally managed to break through the defense with certain strategies and arrested 65 villagers who were suspected of being involved in drugs.

Here are some facts about the drug village in Palembang, South Sumatra:

Also read: Narcotics Village Raid, 7 Residents Desperate to Jump into the Musi River

Firecracker attack special forces

SHUTTERSTOCK Firecracker illustration.-Reporting from Sumsel Tribune, The police were attacked by firecrackers when they entered the drug village.

The firecracker attack was carried out by a number of people who were specifically tasked with monitoring the arrival of the police.

The servants are known to be paid Rp 200,000 per person per day.

“Approximately 15 people,” said Andi as quoted from Sumsel Tribune, Monday (12/4/2021).

Also read: Drug Village Raid, Police Arrest 65 People, 1 of them is Bandar Besar’s wife, 1.5 Kg of Sabu is secured

CCTV illustration.SHUTTERSTOCK CCTV illustration.-Defensive fortifications

Andi said, the drug village has a strong fortress.

The fort is a strict surveillance system, either from CCTV cameras or monitoring from tall buildings.

These guards are equipped with handy talky (HT) to communicate with each other.

There are four points that are targeted by the police, namely Lorong Manggis, Cek Latah, Lorong Segayam and Lorong Masjid which are still in the Tangga Buntung area.

“Their fortresses will provide inside information if outsiders enter. We will arrest all of these ones,” said Andi.

Also read: Police Stories about Fortress in Palembang Narcotics Village, which are Difficult to Penetrate

The area is untouched, it is suspected that there is backing from unscrupulous people

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2021/04/13/062534378/fakta-fakta-kampung-narkoba-yang-sulit-tersentuh-aparat-punya-pasukan?page=4" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Drug illustrationKOMPAS.COM/HANDOUT Drug illustration-The security forces have not touched the Staircase area because there are backings from certain individuals.

“Stairs Buntung is a narcotics village that cannot be touched. Many unscrupulous people are supporting them,” said Andi.

However, with careful strategic planning for a week, the operation was considered a success, even though there were perpetrators who escaped.

“One dealer in Ateng’s name managed to escape, but we arrested his wife HJ and another one named Juni,” he said.

“HJ is the wife of a big city, our husband has already set the DPO. When we raided HJ’s house, this crystal meth was found on the ceiling of the house. There are 1.5 kilograms,” he continued.

Also read: Narcotics Village in Palembang Raided, Police: Previously, Jatanras Members Arrested Criminals Stabbed

Illustration of escape.THINKSTOCKPHOTOS Illustration of escape.-Run into the river

A number of residents of the drug village also had time to escape and took reckless action by plunging themselves into the Musi River.

However, the authorities have anticipated this so that their actions that were about to escape can be overcome.

Apart from arresting 65 people, the police also confiscated 1.5 kg of crystal methamphetamine, 8 sharp weapons, 42 firecrackers, 41 bongs, and 1 bottle of para vinegar.

Then there are 5 digital scales, 2 HT, 33 cellphones, 1 CCTV decoder unit, 73 matches, 109 pears, and 2 CRV cars.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Palembang Contributor, Aji YK Putra | Editor: Farid Assifa, Abba Gabrilin), Sumsel Tribune

Part of this article has been published on Tribunsumsel.com with the title Palembang Narcotics Village Has Paid People, Its Job is to Light Firecrackers when the Police Arrive

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