Home » today » Health » Faced with the spread of variants, the Chartres hospital is getting organized

Faced with the spread of variants, the Chartres hospital is getting organized

It is a glimmer of hope that gives a little balm to the heart within the “Covid” units of the Chartres hospital (Eure-et-Loir). The first effects of vaccination are felt. “In January, we had a large majority of patients coming from nursing home, says Dr Claire Petat, head of the multipurpose medicine department. Currently, these are younger patients, or patients who are a little older but who are at home and who have not yet been able to benefit from the vaccination.

Now, it is the variants that worry the nursing staff of Chartres. The hospital has reviewed its organization. “I have organized everything to make sure to accommodate emergency patients in a room only, as long as we do not know whether they are contaminated by the variant or not.“, explains Jessy Lalé, health executive” Covid Units “. The hospital has also set up a systematic screening of all the patients of the establishment, regardless of the service.

The JT

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