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Faced with the saturation of niches, two new centers are opening their doors

“No time slot is available at the moment”. This message, thousands of French people saw it on the Doctolib site after the government announcements last week. The situation is the same everywhere: the vaccination slots for the booster dose, now necessary to maintain one’s health pass, are taken by storm. After having closed their vaccinodromes installed in the Liberté and the Robert-Poirier stadium, the city of Rennes and the departmental council of Ille-et-Vilaine had to urgently prospect to find new places.

Forced to return the stadium to the athletes and Freedom to the artists, the communities fell back on the former Rosa-Parks college, in the Villejean district, which was already serving as a Covid-19 screening center. The new fire brigade headquarters located rue Moulin-de-Joué will also lend its gymnasium for booster injections. We can see a practical side, since a large part of the personnel mobilized for vaccination are firefighters.

From Saturday or Sunday, the barracks will host the largest vaccination center in the department. “Our goal is to achieve 10,000 injections per week”, assures Jean-Luc Chenut, president of the department. During the first vaccination campaign, a third of the injections carried out in Ille-et-Vilaine had been carried out at the Robert-Poirier stadium. “A little more than 900 Sdis agents spent at least a day there”, continues the elected official.

The city occupies the former Rosa-Parks college in the Villejean district where it hopes to carry out 5,500 vaccinations per week. A center in addition to the one opened in the Bréquigny district. Enough to absorb the long line of over 18s wanting to get their booster dose? “We face a peak in December, January and February. But we will have enough doses to vaccinate everyone on time, ”says Prefect Emmanuel Berthier.

Brittany is the French region where the vaccination rate is the highest in France, with 96% of its population first vaccinated. The regional health agency regrets that “more than 6,000 people over the age of 80” have still not taken the step. In total, 2.6 million Bretons are affected by the vaccine booster. The incidence rate has quadrupled in the region in one month and now exceeds 210 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

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