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Faced with the rise of the pandemic, new restrictions are emerging in Germany

Angela Merkel wishes extend restrictions set up against the Covid currently in Germany until April. The proposal is included in a government document which is to serve as a working basis for a meeting scheduled for Monday between the Chancellor and the leaders of the German regions.

Saturday Germany recorded 16,000 new cases of contamination and 207 deaths moreover, according to the Robert Koch Institute. The incidence rate over the last 7 days was this Sunday at 103.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitant, beyond the threshold which triggers new restrictions in the country.

The reopening originally planned, on April 4 in the event of improvement in epidemic indicators, in the field of outdoor catering or cultural and sporting places in particular, are no longer relevant, on the contrary.

Tests to access certain spaces

This document obtained this Sunday by AFP plans to extend until a date (yet to be determined precisely) in April all travel restrictions in force.

In companies, if homework remains the rule, “at least two rapid tests per week“can be carried out for employees who come to the premises.
The project also opens up the possibility for regions to set as access criteria in certain spaces, “negative test results“and the computer follow-up of contacts.
Cross-border travel must continue to “be limited to the strict minimum”, by having to be combined with a quarantine and a test requirement before returning to Germany.

Increasingly unpopular measures

The partial containment measures in place since the end of last year are now only supported by a third of Germans, against two thirds in early January, according to a recent poll, and discontent is mounting.

Saturday March 20, manyrallies to denounce the “dictatorship” of health restrictionstook place in Germany. In Cassel, a city in central Germany, 15 to 20,000 people demonstrated and clashes erupted after the rally.

French border workers impacted

Since March 2, some 16,000 Moselle border workers have to present a negative Covid test of less than 48 hours to cross the border. A unilateral measure denounced by French workers who once again demonstrated on Saturday March 20 at the border between the Moselle and the Saar.

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