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Faced with the “resurgence of the coronavirus epidemic”, the “situation is p

While Reunion could cross the alert threshold, the prefect of Reunion, Jacques Billant, held a new press conference on Friday, August 28. In front of “the recrudescence of the epidemic”, “the health situation is worrying”. 77 cases and two new clusters are identified.

Reunion Island has this Friday, 77 new cases of coronavirus and 16 active clusters, including one that is under control. “We are in a phase of recrudescence of the epidemic, says the prefect of Reunion. The health situation is worrying, but we are able to follow the evolution of the virus better than at the beginning of the year “.

This Friday, August 28, during a press conference, Jacques Billant was alongside Doctor François Chieze, director of monitoring and health security at the ARS, and Chantal Manès-Bonnisseau, rector of the academy of The meeting.

High vulnerability

The number of indigenous cases has risen sharply in recent weeks. Yesterday, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced that 21 departments were classified in the red zone. Reunion is not one of them, for the moment. “We are not in active high circulation of the virus, but we are in high vulnerability”; indicates François Chieze, director of monitoring and health security at the ARS, who detailed the criteria in force to decide whether to move to the red zone.

Watch the prefect’s details on Réunion La 1ère:

Extract from the interview with Prefect Jacques Billant

Réunion close to the alert threshold

“Three weeks ago, the incidence rate was 5 per 100,000 inhabitants, it rose to 43.7 inhabitants this week, while the alert threshold is at 50, we are close to it”, remarks François Chieze.

The positivity rate has dropped in three weeks from 0.5% to 2.7% today. This rate is below the alert threshold, but it is constantly increasing, warns the director of monitoring and health security at ARS. On the other hand, the “effective R” or the number of people contaminated by a patient has decreased. “The number of infected people is 1.89 today, while it was 2.67 last week, this number has fallen, but a sick person still infects at least two”, continues François Chieze.

Find more details from Dr Chieze on Réunion La 1ère:

Extract Doctor Chieze

Reinforcement of contact-tracing

Currently, 1,700 screening tests are carried out every day on the island. “We are one of the departments which screen the most in France”, assure the authorities.

This Friday, the ARS announces the strengthening of the detection of contact cases thanks to a merger of the services of the ARS and health insurance. Thus, “contact-tracing” should be more efficient. The authorities recall that the contact persons are those who have been near a contaminated person, without a mask, less than a meter and for more than a quarter of an hour.

The measures in force

In this context, the prefect of Reunion, Jacques Billant, ensures “tighten up crisis management” and have “daily contacts with the mayors, the ARS, the rectorate, and the presidents of communities” for “harmonize the measures to be taken”. These measures are “grouped together in a prefectural decree to be amended every week according to the evolution of the situation”.

It recalls the measures in force: the wearing of a mask is compulsory in all closed spaces where several people are located (transport, museums, shops, theaters, supermarkets, or even meeting rooms); the mask is also compulsory in the vicinity of schools, schools, universities, nurseries, airports, fairgrounds and larger areas within the island’s municipalities. The controls will continue, warned Jacques Billant.

Avoid family gatherings

The prefect reminds us that “absolutely avoid family gatherings and celebrations”. Leisure gatherings of more than ten people in public spaces are prohibited throughout the department. “Most of the virus is transmitted through daily contact with family or friends”, ensures Jacques Billant. At this stage 90% of the island’s clusters come from extended family circles and festive moments. The prefect recalls that team and combat sports are prohibited in the department until September 13.

Health management in schools and schools

During this press conference, the prefect also insisted on health security in schools, two weeks after returning to the island. Chantal Manès-Bonnisseau, rector of the Reunion Island academy, affirms that to date “There is no case of transmission of the virus in a school enclosure. All the cases detected come without exception from contamination outside the school”.According to the rector, “it is essential to keep the pupils on their way to school ”, ensuring“ vigilance and strict respect for barrier gestures ”.

29 cases in schools and schools

To date, five cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in school, nine in secondary schools and fifteen in high schools since the start of the school year. In total, 127 students were identified as contact cases and handed over to their families. Among the staff, seven people tested positive for the coronavirus, one in middle school and six in high schools. Currently, 84 teachers are kept at their homes.

A protocol is in force to isolate a confirmed case, limit transmission with home support for students if they present symptoms or if they are in contact; with the application of barrier gestures; and cleaning and ventilation of the premises. “The procedure put in place allows us to deal with cases quickly and in a precise manner, ensures the rector. We have at the rectorate a unit for processing reports made by heads of establishments and school directors “.

School rules

According to the latest protocol from the Ministry of Education, physical distancing is mandatory in confined spaces, as is the wearing of masks for staff. The mask is also compulsory in middle and high school in enclosed spaces and outdoors.

The prefect of Reunion, Jacques Billant, announced that he would provide an update every Friday on the health situation on the island to adapt the measures to fight against the coronavirus.

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