Home » today » Business » Faced with Apple’s sharing requirements, Telegram has decided to cancel paid posts on iOS

Faced with Apple’s sharing requirements, Telegram has decided to cancel paid posts on iOS

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forIncrease platform revenueUsing third-party payment bots to sell paid posts in the channel is one of the tactics Telegram has adopted to stay afloat.But now faced with Apple’s sharing requirements, company CEO Pavel Durov must doDisable paid posts on iOSdecision. “Unfortunately, we received a notification from Apple that they were dissatisfied with the way content creators on Telegram are making money without paying the 30% ‘Apple tax’,” Durov said. With complete control, we have no choice but to stop paying posts on iOS devices. “

The “Apple tax” mentioned here refers to the fees Apple takes from payments or in-app purchases. It has long been criticized by many service providers, the best known of which may be Spotify and Epic Games. According to Durov, Apple is a monopoly that “abuses its market dominance at the expense of content creators.” He also urged regulators around the world to act “before Apple destroys more dreams and crushes more entrepreneurs.”

At the same time, Durov also said the Telegram team is working on providing creators with easier-to-use payment options and its goal is to bypass Apple’s “limited ecosystem.”

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