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Faced with a positive scenario for planting, they provide management strategies

The cycle of talks that is organized by the Rural Society of July 9 in conjunction with the Regional Aapreisd July 9-Casares, the Circle of Agricultural Engineers of July 9 and the AER INTA July 9, last Wednesday 19 the fourth training meeting aimed at producers, technicians, companies and students, where the focus was winter crops:

Wheat and Barley, as well as tips on markets.

Regarding both crops, Ing. Agr. Luis Ventimiglia who spoke to more than a hundred attendees to the INTA Pergamino YouTube channel from where the talk was viewed and who took note of the concepts of the INTA agronomist who began by saying what is the projection of sowing for the 21/22 campaign in wheat that would reach 6.5 M / ha. and 1.15 M / ha. for barley, where 23 million tons of grains are expected in both crops, he pointed out.

Later he made reference to the soil moisture for July 9 and area, using images of water maps, he commented that in the first days of May in the first centimeters there was a capacity of 80% and one meter with more water capacity, He also recalled that the lagoons have dried up, thus graphing what the water situation is like, a very different panorama from what it was last year, so that today there is not enough water “savings bank” since it is quite dry up to two meters deep,
Ventimiglia pointed out.

Fully in agronomic management, he said that it is vital to know the quality of the seed, he poured information from the wheat trial that was carried out in the 20/21 campaign, with different fertilization treatments in the varieties used and the use of sanitary packages in them. with their answers and detailed the results that in some cases reached more than 7,000 kilos in wheat and an average of 6,000 kilos / ha.

At the end he made a comment about the use of a lactoferment in the fertilization of the trial from whey developed by an agronomist.

The result, where Ventimiglia provided an extensive report about this tool, commented that the result in cultivation was remarkable. Market tips

For his part, the Agricultural Production Engineer, Sebastián Gavalda, who contributed market tips in the talk, I estimate that more wheat will be made this season than last season, in addition to detailing to those present who are the world exporters of wheat, mainly the EU, Russia, Canada, the United States, Ukraine, Argentina and Australia, and which are the main buyers, China, India, Africa, the Middle East and Brazil, the latter a large buyer from Argentina, he pointed out. For this year the great news is that China estimates
import about 10 million tons.

As for Argentine wheat, he said that it has three destinations: the domestic market, Brazil and other countries in Africa and the Middle East. Regarding commercialization, he recommended selling it before and during the harvest, unless they have a lot of quality and can sustain it, since it can be complicated as it happens now, he said.

In chart prices that today is US $ 215 and the average of the last 12 years US $ 172, so there are no price problems.

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