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Facebook wants to mark questionable Trump posts in the future

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Facebook wants to mark questionable Trump posts in the future

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Facebook reacts after advertising boycott of well-known large companies

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Facebook and Twitter are criticized for a flood of hate comments, propaganda, spam and fake news in their services. An advertising boycott against Facebook receives additional supporters. Facebook boss Zuckerberg reacts and now wants to do more.

Before the US election, Facebook wants to take action against false content and hate messages. Similar to Twitter, posts by President Donald Trump should also be marked. Have advertisers moved CEO Mark Zuckerberg to rethink?

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NAfter harsh criticism, Facebook is changing the way it handles postings with questionable content. If politicians’ current posts violate the usage rules, they will be marked in the future, Facebook said on Friday. This also applies to President Donald Trump’s postings.

Twitter had started a few weeks ago to link Trump’s posts if they weren’t factual, such as his claim that postal voting would lead to fraud. Facebook had left the same posts on his page without comment and was under great pressure to do the same as Twitter and do more against hatred.

Own employees also openly criticized company boss Mark Zuckerberg for his resistance to take action against such contributions. Most recently, US civil rights organizations called on companies to boycott Facebook. This is how the group is to be hit at a sensitive point – Facebook generates almost all of its sales with advertising revenue.

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More and more companies had announced in the past few days that they would at least temporarily withdraw their ads from Facebook. In addition to the US cellphone giant Verizon and the well-known outdoor brands The North Face and Patagonia, the branded manufacturer Unilever and Coca-Cola have also joined the #StopHateForProfit initiative.

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Zuckerberg said in a post on Facebook on Friday that the network will also block posts in the future that serve to keep voters away from the polls. Among other things, these include fake news stories, according to which federal officials check the residence status of voters at the polls. In the 72 hours leading up to the US election, Facebook also wanted to remove false statements about the course of the election in polling stations.

A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed that according to the new approach, a controversial message would have been flagged by President Donald Trump in the past month regarding postal elections.

In the future, advertisements will also be deleted which claim that people of a certain origin, religion or sexual orientation pose a risk to safety or health.

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Zuckerberg further stated in his post that Facebook occasionally leaves undeleted content that would violate the rules if the value of the public interest outweighed the risk of damage. It is often in the public interest to see what politicians say.

However, this does not apply to “content that incites violence or suppress votes”. There is no exception for politicians here either. Zuckerberg failed to call US President Donald Trump by name.

Ethan Zuckerman, director of the Center for Citizen Media at MIT’s elite university, said the changes to Facebook’s rules made it clear how influential Facebook was in spreading disinformation. Now it depends on how well questionable postings could be identified by artificial intelligence. If posts were marked too large, many users would soon ignore them.

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