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Facebook to develop tools for advertisers to tackle harmful content

Jan 29 (Reuters) – Facebook Inc said on Friday it will soon begin developing “topic exclusion controls” on its platform, to give advertisers greater ability to prevent certain content from appearing alongside their ads.

This comes after companies like Coca-Cola Co and Starbucks Corp boycotted Facebook in July for failing to do enough to curb hate speech on its site following the death in the United States of George Floyd in police custody.

Advertisers have complained for years that large social media companies do little to prevent ads from appearing alongside hate speech, fake news, and other harmful content.

In September, Facebook YouTube and Twitter signed an agreement with large advertisers to curb harmful content online.

Facebook said in a blog post on Friday that the controls would help advertisers define how their ads are displayed in the social network’s News Feed.

He added that he would begin testing the controls with a small group of advertisers, a process that could take about a year to complete.

(Report by Chavi Mehta in Bengaluru. Edited in Spanish by Javier Leira)

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