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Facebook: the launch of the dating app in the Europe zone postponed

(Cio Mag) – The Facebook dating app is expected to launch on February 13, 2020 in the Europe zone. But the operation was postponed. In question ? The arrest of the Irish gendarme regarding compliance with the general regulations on the protection of personal data (GDPR). Indeed, the Irish CNIL carried out a control raid on Facebook premises in Dublin, when it had just been informed by Facebook of the imminent launch of the app. Having no specific information about the project, the Irish commission therefore decided to carry out its own inspection.

At the end of this Irish CNIL intervention, the American firm postponed the launch of the product. In a statement, Facebook said it wanted to take the time to verify that the dating application complies with European legislation on the respect of personal data.

Since the scandals over the management of subscribers’ personal data, Facebook has been closely watched. The application has been operational in the United States and Asia since the end of 2019.

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