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Facebook, Spotify, Epic: The informal coalition of App Store critics welcomes Twitter

By swinging everything he could think of (sometimes wrongly and through) against Apple, Elon Musk re-opened Pandora’s box and all of Apple’s detractors once again rushed into the breach. Tim Sweeney, the boss of Epic, was immediately engaged by retweeting the message of the boss of Twitter: he denounced the threat posed by Apple of a withdrawal from the App Store (it was fake).

Daniel Ek, founder and CEO of Spotify, recalled in a Twitter file the context in which the movement against Apple’s practices took place. The streaming service filed a complaint against Apple in March 2019 with the European Commission. The manufacturer has replied, but the procedure continues in Brussels, as well as the bickering. Latest: audiobooks that have caused a firefight between Apple and Spotify.

« Time and time again, Apple gives itself every advantage while stifling innovation and hurting consumers “, he writes. ” Apple acts in its own interest, but doesn’t seem to care about the law, the courts, or consumer choice “. By the way, that didn’t stop Spotify from doing it maintain its position of number 1 in streaming.

When asked about Elon Musk’s attack on Apple, Mark Zuckerberg too jumped at the chance. « Apple has somewhat distinguished itself by being the only company looking to unilaterally control apps on a device. I don’t think it’s sustainable “said the head of Meta.

All those who criticize Apple’s grip on the App Store may have felt galvanized by the diatribe of Elon Musk, who joins their fight. If they can thus keep the pressure on the manufacturer, they are about to win a big battle: the European DMA will allow sideloading outside the App Store.

Elon Musk is trying

Elon Musk tries to smooth things over with Tim Cook and the European Union 🆕

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