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Facebook responds to criticism of documentary The Social Dilemma

Facebook says in The reaction that it does not (anymore) build products for the purpose of conversion be addictive, but to ‘add value’ to people’s lives. The company points to adapting algorithms in 2018 to posts from friends and acquaintances give priority above that of viral videos from companies or organizations. This would have resulted in a total of 50 million hours less spent on the platform.


An important claim of the documentary is that the social medium itself is not the product, but that you as a user are the product because the information from your profile is used to sell advertisements. Facebook claims not to disclose information that would identify you as a person and that the advertising model actually allows small businesses with small ad budgets to compete with large companies.

‘Netflix does it itself’

Also, Facebook’s algorithm was not developed to make the user ‘crazy’ and keep it on the app as long as possible, but simply to provide a better user experience. The company explicitly mentions that Netflix also has such an algorithm.

Facebook also mentions several measures that have been taken to better protect the privacy of users, to reduce polarization and populism on the platform, to ensure the integrity of elections. to protect and about fight fake news.

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