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Facebook removes ads from the campaign Trump with a nazi symbol

It is a symbol that many wished to see it disappear. The social network Facebook announced on Thursday to have withdrawn advertisements published by the electoral campaign of Donald Trump. These images, which intended to attack the extreme left, had a red triangle inverted. A sign used by the nazis to refer to the political prisoners, especially of the left, in the concentration camps.

This screenshot of a message circulated by the campaign team of Donald Trump on Facebook attests to the use of the red triangle reversed, the sign used by the nazis to refer to the political prisoners/AFP

“We have removed these posts and pubs because they violate our rules on hate organized “, said a spokesman for the giant of social networks on Thursday. The alert was first given by the Washington Post, which reported on these content issues to Facebook. The platform was then unpublished, the ads that had the red triangle.

“Organisations hateful or ideologies hateful “

“We do not allow the symbols represent organisations that are hateful or ideologies hateful unless it is to condemn them,” said Nathaniel Gleicher, director, regulations on cyber security at Facebook, when asked during a hearing at the u.s. Congress on Thursday, on the article in the Washington Post.

The red triangle appeared on some of the messages of the campaign sponsored by the u.s. president, the vice-chairman Mike Pence, and the page of the campaign team, “Team Trump” (” team Trump “). The text attacked the “dangerous hordes of groups of the extreme left” and called on users to sign a petition against the “Antifa” or antifascist, the head of State was accused, without evidence, to cause degradation in the protests against the police violence.

A program of verification of the facts

“Our rules prohibit the use of this symbol […] without the context that condemns it or discuss it “, said the spokesperson of the network. The debate on the moderation of ads and political platforms through the United States for months, at least 140 days of the presidential election.

Facebook allows pubs to be political in nature and refuses to submit to the words of the candidates and elected representatives in its programme of verification of the facts, in the interest of the public to make up their own mind. But their messages remain subject to the general rules against terrorism, the glorification of violence or false practical information on the elections.

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