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Facebook puts an end to the section dedicated to students

The Facebook company, recently renamed “Meta”, started out as a platform to connect students from the same university. In the sense that the main targets of Mark Zuckerberg were young people. The social network then enjoyed worldwide success with all generations combined.

In September 2021, Facebook went back to its old ways to launch a new section called “Campus”, dedicated to students. The objective of this section is to promote exchanges within a university community. However, Facebook recently decided to end it.

Screenshot / Twitter

Closure of the “Campus” section designed for students

To access this section, students must create a specific profile, apart from their main accounts, to join Campus. Facebook Campus helps them discover new study groups, cultural clubs or sports clubs. They even have the opportunity to participate in virtual concerts or to ask their classmates for advice. This interface was an opportunity for each student to flourish.

Unfortunately, Leach Luchetti, the Facebook spokesperson, said that the company will stop the Facebook Campus project. Apparently, this decision is due to a study done recently. According to the company, the best way to support students is not at all this section, but to encourage them to join Facebook groups.

What will happen to students’ Campus accounts?

Facebook has already informed students of test universities that the Campus section will be disappearing shortly. Thus, all data on Campus will be permanently deleted. Namely, profiles, groups, posts, events, and other related content. Users have until March 10 to download and retrieve their data. Facebook Campus will become inaccessible after this date.

When Facebook informed users of the removal of Campus, it suggested that they join the relevant university Facebook groups. In these groups, students will find all the particularities of Campus. In the sense that they will be able to interact with other students who have the same interests as them, except that they will use their main Facebook account.


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