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Facebook Messenger, stop forwarding messages

After WhatsApp, also for Facebook Messenger comes a limit on forwarding of messages. This is the measure designed by Mark Zuckerberg in the lotta alle fake news rampant and to control the dissemination of uncontrolled information.

The announcement of the new limit for Facebook Messenger it came directly from the social network, which established how a single message can be forwarded to up to five contacts. The goal is slow down the spread of the so-called viral news, which they often produce disinformation and can have detrimental effects in the real world as well. A response from Facebook to the numerous criticisms received in the past for not having developed tools that could prevent the spread of fake news.

Facebook Messenger and the fight against fake news

Limiting the forwarding of messages through Facebook Messenger it is currently being rolled out, but in the coming weeks it should also become available to all other users. The novelty is part of a process of changes initiated by Zuckerberg starting from 2019 and arrives right now, with the presidential elections in the United States almost upon us. In particular, Facebook undertakes not to delete the posts of politicians, but to report any wrong information.

Facebook Messenger, the news

Per make the app more secure and proof of the spread of false information and hoaxes, the messages in the chats of Facebook Messenger they can only be forwarded to five people or five groups at a time. This is not the only novelty introduced on the messaging app, but there will also be support for screen sharing on Android and iOS, support for Face ID and Touch ID on iOS, live broadcast on Messenger Rooms and above all the beginning of the merger of chats between Messenger e Instagram.

The merger between Messenger e Instagram had already arrived in August and some users had found themselves with the Instagram Direct icon replaced with that of the messaging app. At the moment, however, it is not yet possible to use Facebook Messenger to chat, but Zuckerberg’s ultimate goal would be to create a common environment between Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp where you can communicate with your contacts.

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