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Facebook Messenger is not working. Likewise, WhatsApp and Instagram

Messenger is not working. WhatsApp and Instagram also do not allow you to send messages. Users from Poland and other countries report about problems with Facebook’s messengers.

Facebook Messenger is not working. WhatsApp and Instagram too

March 19, 2021 is the day of another major failure in Facebook services. Messenger doesn’t work, Instagram doesn’t work, and WhatsApp doesn’t work either. There are three popular apps currently not able to send or receive messages.

As of now, we do not know the reasons for these problems. No message has appeared on Facebook’s Twitter profile so far. However, know that you are not alone – thousands of users from Poland, Great Britain, the United States and many other countries complain about the unavailability of these services. The problems began around 6.30 pm our time.

This is what the failure of Messenger on Downdetector.pl looks like – and these are only reports from Poland.

The failure of Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp is enormous

Messenger and WhatsApp are not working messages and the Instagram page won’t launch at all: 5xx Server Error is displayed.

Update, hours. 7.15pm: For some users, services and applications are starting to come back to life. Let me know if they already work with you.

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