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Facebook does not report a Commitment payment of 10,858 euros

The report focuses on a cash payment of almost 2,600 euros declared by the independent platform Centrats en Nules – in violation of the law – which also exceeded the electoral spending limit for municipalities by 315%, an irregularity that may lead to sanction . In addition, the group included 461.85 euros in food products as eligible expenses. The Court also proposes to sanction Units per Carcaixent for spending 325% more than it was allowed in the campaign and for exceeding the limit of 1,910 euros in advertising. Totes i Tots Som Vinaròs also exceeded the spending ceiling by 47% and did not declare private contributions for 1,505 euros or 1,770 euros in electoral payments.

Of the 1,664 political formations that throughout Spain were obliged to present the accounting related to the May 2019 electoral process, the report emphasizes that only 478 complied with the procedure. 13.6% registered their balances outside the established period.

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