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Facebook changed its name to Meta. Zuckerberg talks about the use of the “metaverse”

Company rebranding presentation was broadcast on Zuckerberg’s Facebook.

Meta brings all applications and technologies together under one new brand, he said.

The company will continue to work on the social network Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp services, while developing the “metaverse”.

The “defining quality of the” metaverse “will be the sense of presence – as if you are next to another person or in another place. Feeling a real presence with another person is the highest dream of social technology … In the” metaverse “you can do almost anything you can imagine : get together with friends and family, work, study, play, shop, create, “Zuckerberg wrote in a letter, published on Facebook on October 28th.

The founder of Facebook said that the company made a film about the use of the “metaverse”.

“In this future, you’ll be able to instantly teleport in holographic form to be in the office without commuting, at a concert with friends, or in your parent’s living room to catch up,” Zuckerberg noted. “Your TV, your ideal workspace with multiple monitors , your board games and much more – instead of physical things assembled in factories, they will be holograms designed by creators from all over the world. “


A source The Verge reported that Facebook plans to change its nameto reflect the company’s commitment to building a “metaverse”. He noted that the name change should help position Facebook as just one of the many products of the company that also controls Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus and others, as well as highlight the desire to create a “metaverse”.

In an interview The Verge Zuckerberg said that in “five years or so,” the “metaverse” will run on virtual reality headsets, as well as on mobile devices and game consoles.

September 2021 Facebook invested $ 50 million in the creation of the “metaverse” – a new phase of “interconnected virtual experiences using technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.” The company believes that the “metaverse” can help “open up access to new creative, social and economic opportunities.”

On October 17, Facebook Inc announced its intention to employ 10,000 workers in the European Union over the next five years. to create your own “metaverse”.

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