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“Face To Facebook Poetry” by the Sanfernandino writer Jorge Albornoz Figueroa

Poetry does not stop its march… it is adventurous and the poets who look for it daily in the various territories, sometimes wild, full of weeds that must be uprooted, so that later they can begin to prepare the land for cultivation, know it well. We are always behind like pilgrims paying a lifetime mandate, hounds following that ineffable smell that drives us crazy. It is inside and outside, it is written with the skin, the blood, the bones, with each organ of our body, it is creation and destruction and vice versa, and that process in constant movement produces transformation, and poetry is transformation.

On this occasion I present the esteemed poet Lorenzo González Cabrera, with an outstanding career, one of the founders of the renowned Grupo Fragua, transcendental in the fight for the culture of San Fernando in times of dictatorship. Always close and willing to participate and collaborate in activities or projects related to culture, whether personal or LibreArte.

Lorenzo Gonzalez Cabrera (San Fernando. Chile)

He was born in San Fernando on May 16, 1956. And to the poetic life around the years 1969 -1970, small babblings that were later consolidated in prospectuses such as “Canto de Amor por Cantar” and “Canto de Amor por Amar” , of which some texts saw the light in the publications of the already historic Fragua Literary Workshop, of which he was a founding member.

Published Works:

Blood in the Seed.1979.

New Way.1982.


The Art of Fighting.1985.

Sun Between Mists .1986.

To Break Up Tonight .1988.

Mardrömen har ett slut -The Nightmare Will End- text published in Swedish. 1988

Elegy and hope – poems against impunity. 1988.

These Places. Editorial Trombo Azul. 1990.

Eternal Summer .1990.

DíaLektos .1992.

Kärlek och Manens Sang – Song of Love and Moon – Bilingual. Publishing Fertile Province”. 1992.

The difficult Job of Being. Self-publishing. nineteen ninety six.

Culinary Lyric .1997.

Poetic Art 21st Century .Fragua Editions. 1998.

Verses To Refresh Your Memory. 2001.

Recurrences. 2006.

Dream Winner. 2013.

Ayahuasca Night. April 2019.

His texts have been published in magazines such as:

The Pure Drop. Ramon Diaz Eterovic.

Extramural. Carlos Amador Marchant.

Young America. Rigoberto Heinson.

Written Word. Luis Martinez Fernandez.

Daily Poetry. Elicura Chihuailaf.


Caballo de Proa and others from the period of the Young Writers Collective.


The Bufanoplia, among other later ones.

Diptychs, triptychs, pamphlets and books have been the support of his poetic work.

And in the Poetic Anthology: “Between Spurs and Camellias.” LibreArte Cultural Extension Center. Saint Ferdinand. 2015.

Questions at the end of the road

It seems that at the end of the path

we have arrived

The lights get off

and shine

now that we are here

the question is not

what did we do

to deserve the road?

but vice versa

what did we not do

What brought us here?

we know what to settle

accounts with history

It’s a story that doesn’t tell

But if this is the maze

hidden from things

we will get out of it when things

things are no longer

and that energy that constitutes us

to other spaces and forms moves

there we will continue to be

in other movements

of lights and shadows

that which we did not know how to be before

By: Jorge Albornoz Figueroa

Writer, Cultural Manager

CELA President

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