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face-to-face classes if there is physical distance

He Ministry of Universities, directed by Manuel Castells, already has ehe final document with the recommendations to follow for the 2020/2021 academic year. These suggestions will guide the autonomous communities, which are those that have the competences in university matters and must guarantee, for example, that the meter and a half of distance between the students, like those of Health Sciences, andn the face-to-face classes of the “new normal”.

-Consult the complete document here-

In the new text, as sources from the ministry are transferred to Medical Writing, “the initial statements have been changed to make it more understandable and replacing it with the current wording”. Thus, the document reflects that Each university must guarantee that the number of students in the facility do not exceed the capacity of the same taking into account the separation of 1.5 meters between the occupants.

“If the capacity of the facility that guarantees the separation of 1.5 meters is less than the number of students enrolled, lThe activity cannot be carried out in person in its entirety and the universities should take the pertinent measures so that it can be carried out online, “the document details.

In addition, the universities will be able to teach face-to-face with the students with whom the one and a half meters of safety distance are met, rTeletransmitting the class to the rest of the students enrolled in that subject. In this option, “they should be rotated periodically between
students who receive the teaching in person and those who receive it by videoconference “, details the writing. In principle, this method is contemplated for”Master lectures aimed at a large number of students who exceed the occupancy rate required by sanitary measures. “

Teacher shortage

It is recommended that at each university center there be at least one responsible person referring for aspects related to Covid-19

What the ministry led by Manuel Castells does rule out is folding classes into groupsWell, that “would imply an unbearable overload for the teaching staff”. In addition, universities must publish the measures they have adopted before the course begins; as well as preparing a contingency plan for guarantee “a massive and immediate change to an online teaching system“if the health situation is complicated.

These contingency plans should include online training for teachers, adaptation of evaluations or tutoring times. “LThe competent Evaluation Agencies in each case must prove the quality of the teaching modalities adopted by the universities “, indicates the document.

Despite considering that the “experience gained” during the pandemic about online education should be “used”, Castells reiterates the “desirable preponderance of classroom teaching as the most appropriate way for quality higher education in general terms. “This does not mean that” a enhanced digitization strategy of the university system both for possible emergency situations and for a more flexible teaching modality “, as the document describes.

To bear the costs of this digitization, Castells warns that the budget transfers to the Autonomous Communities that the Government of Spain has approved “may constitute a budgetary support to attend to the supervening needs.”

Yes to the use of masks, no to gloves

The ministry led by Castells recommends the use of a hygienic mask but not gloves

The ministry led by Castells recommends the use of a hygienic mask to all persons accessing the center and provided that an interpersonal distance of at least 1.5 meters cannot be ensured. However, “The use of gloves is not generally recommended, but if in the cleaning tasks “, indicates the document

Universities consider that “an action procedure should be established if someone at the university begins with symptoms “. In addition, each center must have a Contingency Plan, which foresees the actions to be carried out in the face of possible scenarios that may arise.

In fact, it is recommended that in each university center there be at least a responsible person referring for the aspects related to Covid-19. To avoid crowds, it is also recommended to stagger the access and exits, both in the building and in the classrooms.

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Although it may contain statements, data or notes from healthcare institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a professional in the health field.

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