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Facade Bonus has been extended and applies to any intervention, even cleaning

The facade bonus is one of the most interesting of the many bonuses put in place by the government and has been extended until the end of the year.

It is very advantageous for those who decide to request it, because it allows a 90% recovery on all costs incurred for this kind of work both in the present and in the previous year. Recently Enea and the Revenue Agency have clarified that this bonus is really very extensive. In fact, even very simple interventions can benefit from this interesting bonus. Interventions on downspouts to frames, gutters or parapets. But also a simple cleaning and painting. Therefore, the possibility to benefit from this bonus is really wide.

It applies to many interventions

But there are some conditions. First of all, at least 10% of the building facade must be involved. Secondly, we are talking about the external façade, that is to say everything that is visible from the street. Therefore, those who hoped to include internal facades in this important bonus will be disappointed. Furthermore, the audience of beneficiaries is very large because we are talking about both individuals and public bodies as long as they do not carry out commercial activities but also associations between professionals and so on. Furthermore, it is also important to underline that anyone who owns the property object of the intervention of any type, is entitled to this bonus which allows you to return 90% of the expenses incurred. But how can you benefit from this important refreshment?

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It can be a tax deduction spread in 10 shares or even a transfer of credit that will be arranged in favor of those who actually carry out the work.

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However, a so-called discount is also possible on the invoice, i.e. a discount paid by the company carrying out the intervention.

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