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Fabrizio Corona Reveals Alleged Betrayal in Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli’s Divorce

Fabrizio Corona enters the divorce between Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli with a straight leg and does so with a bomb revelation leaked through Telegram, the only channel where it is not censored. In the past few hours, the former king of the paparazzi has harshly criticized the couple for the denial-announcement media ballet relating to their separation and then spoke of an alleged betrayal that took place years ago against the Roman conductor.

Let’s celebrate the sanctimonious separation, sell exclusive services and continue to cuckold each other. This new way of being politically correct disgusts me“Corona said on his account Telegramcommenting on the news of the Bonolis – Bruganelli divorce and accusing the two of having lied for weeks after Dagospy he had clamorously anticipated his farewell. “In order not to lose an exclusive, they had denied everything, exactly like Totti and Ilary, in their great hypocrisy and lies“, concluded Corona, dwelling on the economic aspect of the farewell. Then he dropped the bombshell on the alleged betrayal occurred in the couple.

Did Sonia Bruganelli betray Bonolis?

While Sonia Bruganelli has denied the rumors about the alleged compensation received by Vanity Fair to release the exclusive interview on the divorce from Bonolis – with a vitriolic tweet that seems to be addressed precisely to Corona – Fabrizio revealed that he was aware of an extramarital affair that Bruganelli allegedly had during the marriage with the Roman conductor. “I will tell you the truth and the background of showbiz, such as that almost twenty years ago Paolo Bonolis was cheated on by his wife with his co-worker very intimate and in a sensational way”the former king of the paparazzi wrote on his Telegram channel without however naming names (not even that of Bruganelli) and leaving the scoop pending.

If Corona’s words were confirmed, it would mean that everything would have happened shortly before or shortly after the wedding (which took place in 2002). But in those years no indiscretion was leaked in the magazines gossipyet Paolo Bonolis was already a well-known face on TV and the paparazzi and the newspapers would have gotten married with a similar scoop. At the moment, therefore, there is only the word of the former king of the paparazzi, who promises to be able to provide further details on the matter, just as happened a year ago, when the news of the day concerned Totti and Ilary.

2023-06-08 08:24:00
#betrayed #Bonolis #Corona #bomb #Sonia #Bruganelli

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